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Graceful Geometry

Software: Pencil Code
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Learners will dive into shapes, lines, and angles using Pencil Code in this geometry lesson. Through interactive coding activities using Pencil Code, they'll create geometric patterns and grasp concepts like lines and angles. By the end, learners will have a creative understanding of basic geometry.


Lesson Overview

Overview Activity Objectives
Opening Activity Learners will engage with a tangram puzzle. This classic puzzle consists of seven pieces that can be rearranged to form various shapes and figures. 
  • Foster curiosity and enthusiasm for geometry through interactive, hands-on exploration.
Main Activity Learners will utilize Pencil Code to craft shapes and artistic creations. Through guided coding exercises, students will transform abstract geometric concepts into tangible digital art, fostering a practical understanding of geometry.
  • Apply theoretical geometric knowledge to practical coding, enabling students to visualize and manipulate shapes, lines, and angles.
Closing Activity Learners will showcase their creations to their peers. Learners will celebrate their artistic and geometric achievements through this interactive sharing session.
  • Encourage learners to showcase their Pencil Code creations, fostering confidence, peer appreciation, and a collaborative class spirit.


Prior Knowledge

Learners should be able to:

  • Identify basic shapes such as squares and triangles.


Lesson Objectives

  • Introduce basic concepts of geometry.
  • Create an art using Pencil code.


Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to: 

  • Recognize and define fundamental geometric elements like lines, line segments, rays, and angles.
  • Identify common attributes shared by shapes from different categories.
  • Understand how these shared attributes can define larger shape categories, such as recognizing that quadrilaterals have four sides.
  • Differentiate between subcategories within the broader category of quadrilaterals, including shapes like rhombuses, rectangles, and squares.



Pre-lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our "How to Set up an Eddy Classroom" for more information.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
    • Access to Pencil code  on each device.




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Introduce the ground rules to the learners. You can check out the Eddy approach if this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.

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Display the image to the class. Encourage students to observe the image and consider its details closely. Ask the question: "What might this object be? Allow learners a moment to reflect and formulate their guesses."

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Explain to the learners that the image represents a house and is an example of a Tangram puzzle.
Introduce Tangram puzzles as ancient Chinese puzzles consisting of seven flat pieces called "tans."

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Hand out the tangram sheets to each learner.
Tans Preparation: Guide learners to carefully cut out the seven tans along the designated lines. Teacher assistance can be sought if needed.

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Present the puzzles to the learners.
Encourage learners to dissect the seven tans visually and envision how they could interlock to replicate the larger shape.
Inform learners that they can solve either of the two shown larger shapes using the tans.

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Ask the learners to identify the different shapes that make up a tangram.
Follow up with, "What are these tans further made up of?" to prompt consideration of the smaller elements within each tan.
This prepares learners to explore basic elements of geometry.


Is there any online alternative for this activity?
Online version of Tangram puzzle: https://mathigon.org/tangram
How does the Tangram puzzle reinforce learning?
Tangram puzzles reinforce learning by enhancing spatial reasoning, teaching geometry concepts, promoting problem-solving, and fostering creativity.
How to adjust this section for advanced learners?
For advanced learners, you can use these dark-shaped puzzles that do not show the actual pieces. https://weefolkart.com/homeschool/tangram-puzzle-activity/tangrams-puzzles-black-images/
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Discuss the basic concepts of lines, line segments, and rays with the learners.

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Introduce Pencil Code to the learners.
Explain that Pencil Code is a digital tool akin to a virtual pencil used to create art on a computer through simple instructions.
Highlight that learners can use Pencil Code to draw shapes, lines, patterns, and even design interactive elements.

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Guide learners on how to begin with Pencil Code.
Ask them to explore the user interface.


To demonstrate how to use Pencil Code for this lesson, use this video tutorial

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Guide learners to create a line segment using Pencil code by following the instructions.
Ask them to create line segments of different lengths and colors.

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Discuss the concepts of parallel lines, intersecting lines, and angles with the learners.

Note: Use acute, obtuse, reflex, and straight angles if required.

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Explain that the task to the learners is to use code blocks to draw parallel lines.
Encourage learners to think sequentially and logically as they approach coding the parallel lines.

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Discuss the step-by-step process of drawing parallel lines using pencil code.

Note that this is not a unique solution. For example, learners may choose to use a white colored pen while drawing the invisible line between the two parallel lines.


What if students face problems using Pencil Code?
Offer Support: Encourage them to seek assistance by raising their hand or approaching you. Step-by-Step Guidance: Provide clear, step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot the issue. Problem-Solving Approach: Guide them to identify the specific problem and think through possible solutions. Peer Collaboration: Encourage learners to collaborate with peers, fostering a cooperative learning environment.
How can I adjust this section for advanced learners?
Encourage advanced students to design and code their geometric art projects, incorporating complex shapes and interactive elements
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  • Allow learners to share their creations.
  • Briefly discuss the rules with the learners to be followed while sharing.
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Reflection: Have learners reflect on their experience creating their art.



Solving Tangram Puzzle



The learner incompletely completes the Tangram puzzle and identifies shapes with limited accuracy.



The learner completes the Tangram puzzle and identifies shapes with mostly accurate responses.



The learner accurately completes the Tangram puzzle and identifies shapes with precision.


Geometry Understanding



The learner displays a limited understanding of geometric concepts.



The learner applies fundamental geometric concepts effectively.



The learner applies advanced understanding of geometric concepts to tangram and coding activities,

Coding Proficiency (Pencil Code)



The learner struggles with coding in Pencil Code, resulting in simple or incorrect designs.



The learner proficiently uses Pencil Code to create geometric shapes and designs.



The learner demonstrates advanced coding skills, accurately creating complex geometric designs.


Comments (1)

Peeyusha Sharma
05 Oct 2023
I had some time left after doing this activity with my learners, so I gave them the extension task of creating art using complex geometric shapes. Really amplified their understanding.