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Beats & Brushes: Painting Music with Hyperscore

Software: Hyperscore
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In this exciting music lesson, learners will discover the emotional language of music, understanding how it can evoke different feelings. Using Hyperscore, they'll craft their music by playing with notes and rhythms. Get ready for a musical journey filled with self-expression and creativity!


Lesson Overview



Activity Objectives

Opening Activity

Learners will watch a video with funny music even though it's supposed to be filled with horror. Their job is to figure out why it doesn't feel scary.

  • Introduce how music influences emotions.

Main Activity

Learners will use Hyperscore to create original music for a silent video, enhancing their understanding of the connection between music and visuals.

  • Enable learners to act as composers, creating original music for a silent video using Hyperscore.

Closing Activity

Learners will showcase their creations to their peers.

  • Enhance comprehension by learning from classmates' interpretations.
  • Build confidence in public speaking and sharing ideas.


Prior Knowledge
Learners should have:

  • Basic computer literacy


Lesson Objectives

  • Introduce how music is related to emotions.
  • Craft a musical piece using Hyperscore.


Learning Outcomes
Learners will be able to: 

  • Understand the emotional impact of music, identifying how specific musical elements evoke different feelings.
  • Use Hyperscore to compose and create unique musical pieces.




Pre-lesson Prep

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance.
  • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team.
  • A stable wifi connection.
  • Access to Hyperscore on each device.


Troubleshooting: If you encounter an error with Hyperscore that you can't seem to remedy, please contact the Hyperscore team directly at https://newharmonyline.org/support/.

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Introduce the ground rules to learners.
You can check out our lesson approach if it’s your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.

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Slides 4, 5

Begin the lesson by playing the video.

Encourage learners to observe the video.                             

Ask them how they felt when they watched the video. 

Expected responses may include:

  • It felt funny.
  • It was supposed to be scary but it wasn’t.
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Explain that the video clip was originally from a horror movie.
Ask them whether or not they find it enjoyable to watch a horror movie.

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Slides 7, 8

Ask the learners why didn’t the video clip feel scary.

Expected responses may include:

  • The music didn't match the spooky visuals.
  • The music changed the mood and made the video more amusing than frightening.

Emphasize to students that the reason the video didn't feel scary was due to the influence of the music.
Explain that music has the incredible power to shape our emotions and perceptions.

Note: Set the stage for the importance of music in emotional expression, preparing students for the hands-on Hyperscore activity.

Additional activity:

  • Educators can ask learners if they've ever noticed how music in movies or videos can change the way they feel about a scene.
  • Invite them to share any personal experiences where music influenced their emotions while watching something.
How does the opening activity reinforce learning?
The opening activity reinforces learning by actively engaging learners in a multisensory experience. By pairing a scary video with funny music, students are prompted to observe and question the impact of music on their emotional response to visual content.
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Introduce Hyperscore as a music composition software.
Explain that learners can create musical compositions by drawing colorful lines and shapes within the software.
Emphasize the interactive and visual nature of the composition process.
Ask the learners to create an account on Hyperscore.

Note: Educators may need to whitelist the site (newharmonyline.org) so that students can access the software.

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Ask the learners to explore the user interface.

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Introduce the Percussion Window in Hyperscore as a specialized space for creating rhythmic beats and drum sounds.

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Provide an overview of the Melody Window in Hyperscore.
Guide the learners through the different steps of creating a sequence of notes (a motive, or motif).

Notes are the building blocks of music. Musicians combine different notes to create melodies.

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Instruct the students to create their first melody. They can experiment with the following:

  • Different note lengths
  • Silent spaces

Once they have created the melody ask them to listen and react to their pieces.

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Slide 14

Introduce the Sketch Window in Hyperscore as a creative space for drawing lines that guide the musical elements based on a motive.
Explain that drawing lines in the Sketch Window influences how the music will sound – whether it rises, falls, or remains constant.
Emphasize the interactive and visual nature of this creative process.

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Present learners with two musical lines in the Sketch Window.
Encourage learners to carefully observe the lines and identify any differences they notice.
Mention that despite the lines looking the same, they represent different pitches in music.

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Introduce various creative techniques for drawing lines in the Sketch Window to add diversity to musical compositions.
Emphasize that different line shapes and styles contribute to unique sounds.

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Introduce the Harmony Line in Hyperscore as a tool to introduce regions of tension and suspense in musical compositions.
Emphasize its role in adding interest and depth to the overall musical piece.
Instruct learners to create a simple musical piece using the Sketch Window.

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Play the audio sounds individually and explain how they feel when they hear each clip, and why. 

Facilitate a discussion around the aspects of each music that evoke certain emotions. This lays the foundation for different features in music that make it different.

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Explain how different types of music vary in elements like notes, pitch, tempo, and melody.

Note: This slide aims to broaden learners' understanding of musical elements and how they contribute to the diverse characteristics found in various types of music.

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Slide 20

Present learners with three videos each centered around different themes.
Add that the original audio for all three videos has been removed.
Instruct learners to choose one video based on their preference (either sad-themed or fun-themed).
Their task is to compose original music for these videos using Hyperscore.

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Slides 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Educators can guide the learners through the step-by-step process of crafting music using Hyperscore.

What if students face problems using Hyperscore?
Offer Support: Encourage them to seek assistance by raising their hand or approaching you directly. Please contact Hyperscore directly at https://newharmonyline.org/support/ if you have further troubleshooting questions.
Step-by-Step Guidance: Ask them to go through the step-by-step instructions.
Tutorial video: Ask them to watch the tutorial video.
Peer Collaboration: Encourage learners to collaborate with peers, fostering a cooperative learning environment.
How can I adjust this section for advanced learners?
Encourage advanced learners to experiment with the other videos (i.e. the videos that they didn’t work on the first round.)
How can I simply this section for learners?
If learners face difficulty creating music that evokes different emotions, educators can ask them to create simple musical pieces.
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Allow learners to share their creations.

This slide also guides learners through a straightforward process of playing their composed music with the chosen video.

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Slide 26

Reflection: Have learners reflect on their experience using Hyperscore.


Understanding Music and Emotion



The learner demonstrates a basic understanding of the emotional impact of music but struggles to articulate specific connections between musical elements and emotions.


The learner shows a growing understanding of how music influences emotions, identifying some key elements and their emotional effects.


The learner articulates a clear understanding of how music evokes emotions, confidently identifying and explaining the impact of specific musical elements on emotional responses

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