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Crafting Creative Narratives

Software: Scratch
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With this lesson, learners will embark on an exploration of narrative writing and coding, where imagination knows no bounds. From recalling beloved stories to crafting original narratives using the power of technology, learners will delve into the art of captivating storytelling. 


Lesson Overview

Overview  Activity Objectives 
Opening Activity Learners will recall the last story that they may have read and share their favorite part of the story. They will further go on to think of a few elements that make a story interesting.  
  • Engage learners in reflecting on captivating aspects of a story and identifying elements that contribute to interesting narratives.
Main Activity Learners will craft their own narrative, using Scratch and incorporating all the elements of narrative writing. 
  • Enable learners to apply their understanding of narrative writing elements by creating an original story using the Scratch platform.
  • To introduce learners to the basics of coding and programming. 
Closing Activity Learners will present their stories in front of the class, but not unveil the theme. The fellow learners will identify the main theme of the story as well as the other relevant themes. 
  • Develop learners' analytical skills as they identify and interpret the main themes and relevant elements in their peers' presented stories, fostering a deeper understanding of narrative analysis. 


Prior Knowledge 

Learner should be able to:

  • Read
  • Express themselves in writing using simple sentences and paragraphs.


Lesson Objectives 

  • Identify the elements of narrative writing. 
  • Use the elements of narrative writing to build an interactive story. 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the narrative in engaging the audience. 
  • Appraise the process of narrative analysis. 


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

  • Reflect on and discuss captivating aspects of a story they have read, identifying elements that contribute to interesting narratives.
  • Apply their understanding of narrative writing elements to create an original story using the Scratch platform.
  • Demonstrate basic coding and programming skills through the creation of a narrative on Scratch.
  • Analyze and interpret main themes and relevant elements in their peers' presented stories, showcasing analytical skills in narrative analysis.




Pre-Lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a specific approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information. 
  • Prepare for necessary technology/hardware in advance.
  • Devices (tablets/laptops/chromebooks/computers) for each learner. 
  • A stable wifi connection. 
  • Access to https://scratch.mit.edu/ on each device




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Introduce the learners to the ground rules. You can check out the Eddy Approach if this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson. 

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Ask the learners about the last story that they read and their most favorite part of the story to start a discussion. Let them take turns to answer the question. 

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Introduce the learners to the concept of narrative writing as shown in the slide below. Ask them to think of elements that make a narrative/story interesting. Let them take turns to answer the question. 

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Introduce the learners to the elements of narrative writing. You can read out this short story and identify the setting, characters, plot, and theme for your learners to build a better understanding.




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Slide 7

Introduce learners to the main activity where they will be crafting a narrative/story using scratch. Inform them that the narrative must have all the elements that were discussed. Refer to the instructions shown in the slide below. 

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Slide 8, 9

Introduce the learners to their roles in the team. If this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson and want more clarity on the roles, refer to the Eddy Approach

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Facilitate the process of joining scratch. Let the learners know that it is a friendly coding platform that can be used to create engaging stories, games, or animations. To demonstrate how to build a story with scratch, use this video tutorial

How can I modify this activity for my learners who require more support?
Supply learners with pre-designed templates for certain scenes or interactions within the story. This can include ready-made sprites, backgrounds, or code snippets that they can customize. Templates can serve as building blocks to reduce the complexity of the task. Offer learners a choice of story starters or prompts to kickstart their narrative. These prompts can guide them in developing their story ideas and reduce the initial brainstorming load. This way, they can focus on creating a story that aligns with the provided starter.
How can I modify this activity for my advanced learners?
Present advanced coding challenges that involve more complex interactions, such as creating dynamic animations. Encourage them to explore more advanced Scratch features and experiment with custom functions. Challenge advanced learners to craft narratives with multiple layers of plot, subplots, or non-linear storytelling.



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Let the learners know that they will be presenting their story in front of the class once they are done. However, they will not reveal the theme of the story and leave it to the fellow learners to identify the main theme as well as other relevant themes. 

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Once the learners are done with all the activities, facilitate reflection using the prompts mentioned in the slide.





Incorporating Narrative Writing Elements 



The learner comprehends the significance of narrative writing elements, but uses only a few while building their own narrative.



The learner comprehends the significance of narrative writing elements and uses most of them while building their own narrative.



The learner comprehends the significance of narrative writing elements, uses all of them while building their own narrative, and adds more elements to the story (more than one main theme, action plan). 


Using the Scratch Platform for Coding



The learner understands how to use the Scratch platform, but struggles with the placing of the block codes that support the storytelling.



The learner understands how to use the platform, builds a story using the Scratch platform that supports the storytelling. There may be minor errors with the codes, but they do not affect the overall structure of the story.



The learner understands how to use the Scratch platform, uses the basic coding blocks that support coding and adds other interesting blocks, such as animation, voices to create an engaging experience for the audience. 




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