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Alliterative Animaker Delights (es)

Software: Animaker
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Are you ready to embark on an electrifying language journey with your grade 3 students? Brace yourselves for an adventure in alliteration that will spark their creativity and captivate their imaginations! 

Introducing "Alliterative Animaker Delights" – a thrilling lesson that fuses the power of playful wordplay with cutting-edge digital animation. 

As educators, we know that learning sticks when it's engaging, and this lesson promises just that.

 Imagine your students crafting clever sentences that roll off the tongue and then transforming them into vibrant, animated masterpieces using the user-friendly Animaker platform. 

Prepare to witness your classroom come alive with linguistic excitement and technological wonder as your students embrace the art of alliteration like never before. 


Prior Knowledge:

Learners should:

  • Have a basic understanding of parts of speech and the English language. 
  • Be familiar with using computers and navigating simple digital tools.


Lesson Objectives:

Learners will:

  • Define and identify alliteration in sentences.
  • Create an animated video using Animaker with self introduction containing alliteration.
  • Showcase their alliterative introduction animations.


Learning Outcomes:

Learners will be able to: 

  • Demonstrate the ability to identify alliteration, apply it in sentences, and effectively use digital tools to create animated content.


Lesson Overview




Activity Objectives

Opening Activity

Engage students with a fun tongue twister containing alliteration. Have them practice saying it aloud in pairs. Discuss the tongue twister's use of alliteration and its impact on pronunciation and rhythm.

  • Define and identify alliteration in sentences.

Main Activity

During the Introduction to Animaker (15 mins), students will be introduced to the Animaker platform, gaining familiarity with accessing it, initiating new projects, and navigating the interface. The subsequent activity, Sentence Creation (20 mins), involves providing students with a word list to craft alliterative sentences, emphasizing creative expression and initial consonant sounds. In the Creating Animations phase (30 mins), students will be led through transforming their alliterative sentences into animations on Animaker. This includes incorporating text, selecting characters, and producing animations that align with the sentences' meanings, culminating in a dynamic fusion of language and digital imagery.

  • Create an animated video using Animaker with self introduction containing alliteration.

Closing Activity

In the Showcase Animations segment (15 mins), students share their animated videos, discussing sentence content, alliteration highlights, and animation choices. 

The Reflect and Discuss phase (10 mins) entails exploring alliteration's significance in language and communication, addressing animation challenges, and reflecting on insights gained. 

The Wrap-up (5 mins) summarizes key takeaways, underlining the fusion of language, creativity, and digital tools as the lesson's core connection.

  • Showcase their alliterative introduction animations.




Pre-lesson Prep

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
  • Prepare necessary logistics in advance.
    • White sheets, pencils, and scissors.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
    • Access to  https://www.animaker.com on each device.





Lesson Opening Slide. Ask learners to guess what the lesson slide is about. 


Allow learners to read the objectives of the lesson. Encourage them to ask any questions if they have. 


Let's kick off with a challenge! 

Try saying aloud:’Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack;  sheep should sleep in a shed.’ 


'Sally sells seashells by the seashore.' 

Now, let's discuss: How did it feel to say this quickly? Any difficulties?


Share the following with learners: 

“Great job with the tongue twister! But have you ever wondered why it was tricky to say? 

Introducing alliterations – a way to make words dance by repeating initial sounds. Let's dive in!

Alliteration is a fancy word used in stories and writing. It's when we connect two or more words that start with the same sound, like "fish fry." Here are some cool examples:

  • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  • Sally sells seashells by the sea shore.
  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Remember, the most important part of alliteration is the sound, not the letter. "Kitty cat" and "fish phobia" are good examples, but not "thirty typists" because 'th' and 'ty' don't sound the same. So, alliteration is like a word game that makes stories more exciting!


Read aloud the alliterative dialogue: ‘Polly the playful puppy pranced through the pretty park.’ 

Encourage learners to notice how the P sound is repeated? It adds rhythm and fun to the sentence. 

Now, let's ponder: How does the repetition of sounds affect the sentence?


Alliterations add a musical touch to language. They're like little sound surprises! Teacher Dialogue: ‘Imagine the words are musicians, and the repeated sound is their melody. Let's explore more!’ 

Question: Can you think of other words that start with the same sound as 'pranced' and 'park'?

Historical Use of Alliteration
Explain that alliteration has been used throughout history in literature, speeches, and even ancient poems. Famous speeches and writings often include alliteration to enhance rhythm and memorability.




Apprise learners of the task:

Create an Alliterative Animated Introduction of yourself using Animaker. 

Animaker platform allows you to create animated videos. 


Introduce learners to the steps of account creation on Animaker. 


Walk learners through the steps of creating their own videos on Animaker.


Introduce learners to the different sections of the Animaker Platform. 


Provide learners with some tool exploration time. 


Direct learners to open the worksheet and create alliterative introductions for themselves. 


Direct learners to now create an animation closely resembling alliterative introductions they drafted for themselves. 

Animation Alignment
If students are struggling to align their animations with their introductions, remind them to consider the tone and action described in their introduction. The animation should visually represent the words and mood of the introduction.
Alliteration Difficulty
If students are finding it challenging to come up with alliterative sentences, encourage them to think about things they like, activities they enjoy, or words that describe their personalities. This can help them generate ideas for their introductions.
What role does animation play in this lesson?
Animation plays a pivotal role in this lesson by visually bringing alliterative introductions to life. It enhances students' storytelling by adding dynamic movement, enabling the representation of actions and adjectives, and fostering a deeper engagement with language creativity through the combination of technology and expression.
For learners struggling with the concept:
Word Bank Assistance: Provide a word bank of alliterative adjectives and actions that start with the same letter as their name. This can help guide slow learners in generating ideas for their alliterative introductions. Partner Collaboration: Pair slow learners with a peer who can assist and brainstorm together. This collaborative approach can help them generate ideas and build confidence. Scaffolded Sentence Starters: Offer sentence starters that include the first letter of their name, making it easier for them to begin crafting their alliterative introduction. For example, "My name is [Name], and I love to [Action]."
For gifted learners:
Multi-Scene Animations: Challenge excellent learners to create multi-scene animations that depict the action and adjectives in their alliterative introductions. This allows them to experiment with different visual representations. Challenge Variation: Provide excellent learners with a challenge variation, such as incorporating a specific number of alliterative words or creating an introduction with a specific theme (e.g., nature, fantasy). Character Voices: Encourage excellent learners to incorporate character voices into their animated introductions. This adds a layer of creativity and engagement to their presentations.




Students will now share their animated videos, discussing sentence content, alliteration highlights, and animation choices. 


After each presentation, let the class show their appreciation with applause. You can have a fun applause meter, like a chart with different levels of applause (soft, medium, loud), to encourage positive feedback.


After presentations, ask learners to share their insights on the reflection questions on screen.


Close the lesson with the exit ticket on screen.

Assessment Criteria




Use of Alliterative Elements in Introduction

The introduction lacks explicit use of alliteration and doesn't effectively capture attention.

The introduction demonstrates some attempt at alliteration but may lack variety and creativity.

The introduction effectively utilizes alliteration to create an engaging and imaginative opening, grabbing attention and setting the tone.

Creation of Animation

Animation is minimal or not effectively aligned with the introduction, hindering its impact.

Animation attempts to complement the introduction, but some elements might not match the content effectively.

Animation seamlessly complements the introduction, enhancing its meaning and engagement through well-coordinated visuals.

Presentation Delivery

The presentation lacks confidence, clarity, and proper expression.

The presentation is somewhat straightforward and includes some expressions but may lack consistent engagement.

The presentation is delivered confidently, clearly, and appropriately, engaging the audience effectively.

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