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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (es)

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Lesson Objectives

This session will allow students to understand what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and how it works. 

Students will also identify some of the AI applications in their daily life.  


Lesson Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to

  • understand what AI is.
  • understand how AI works. 
  • identify and briefly explain some of the AI applications and apps in their daily life. 


Resources Required


Lesson Overview

Opening Activity
  • Students will play ‘Guess the Animal’ game.

  • Through this game, students will be able to experience how AI works for example AI requires data and AI works by identifying image features. 

Main Activity
  • Students will identify some of the AI applications they have encountered or experienced in daily life. 

  • Students will be doing a Quickdraw game, one of the Google AI Experiments. From this activity, students will learn that when they are drawing on the Quickdraw application, the AI system identifies what they draw and classifies the object. 
  • Then, students will play a Shadow Art game, an interactive installation that uses AI to help people explore shadow puppetry. Students will match their hands to the zodiac animals shown on their screen. 
Closing Activity
  • Students will be doing a quiz to check their understanding. 
  • Students will reflect on their understanding of AI


  • Introduce students to what AI is and how it works


Slide Activity Details

Students are introduced to the lesson objectives of this session:

  • To understand what artificial intelligence (AI) is and how it works.
  • To identify some AI applications in our daily life.

Students will play the Guess the Animal game. Through this game, we hope that students will be able to experience how AI works for example AI requires data and AI works by identifying image features. 

Teacher may refer to the Guess the Animal card file included in this package.


After playing the game, students will answer these questions. (questions and answers below) 

  • How many animals did you guess correctly? Random responses. 
  • How did you manage to guess these animals correctly? Possible response: I try to guess based on the characteristics described by my partner. 
    • What made some animals harder to guess than others? Possible response: Some animals have common features which is harder to guess and predict. My partner may not understand what I am trying to describe.
7-9 From the ‘Guess the Animal’ game, students learn that AI requires data and these data can be in the form of image of text. AI also identifies image features and predicts a possible classification from the image features.  

Students will watch a video ‘What is AI? and learn what AI is and how it is being used. 

After watching the video, there will be a set of questions for the students to answer based on the video.Video source: https://youtu.be/nASDYRkbQIY (questions and answers below)

  • What is AI? AI is the science of making machines smart using algorithms to allow computers to solve problems. It analyzes vast amounts of data to learn to complete a particular task.
  • How is AI being used to solve problems? What are some examples of AI? AI currently powers:
    • Search engines, shopping recommendation systems, digital assistants.
    • Calculate exact shape and size of tumors
    • Find and evaluate exoplanets, unhappy motorist are trying to see if they can overturn parking fines.
    • Fraud prevention to solving climate change.
  • What can AI not do? 
    • It’s not good at transferring skills from one task to another.
    • It’s not good at learning abstract concepts.
    • It’s not good at one shot learning where a general rule is to learn from a particular experience.
    • AI lacks broad intelligence which humans excel at.


  • The purpose of this activity is to let students explore some of the A.I applications and understand how it works.
Slide Activity Details

Students are prompted to question ‘What are some common AI applications you have seen in your daily life?’ (questions and answers below)

  • What are some common AI applications you have seen in your daily life? Suggested responses: phone facial recognition, Facebook, Instagram filters, chatbot, digital assistant.


This slide will explain some of the applications of AI in our daily life. 

For example, Google Assistant uses AI based speech recognition system to hear and understand what a person tells it to do.


Students will click on the ‘Let’s Draw’ button and draw the object as shown on their screen.

Link to Quickdraw: https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/


Students are prompted to questions ‘What happens while you are drawing?’ and ‘What do you think will happen if we get artists to draw these doodles?’ (questions and answers below)

  • What happens while you are drawing? Possible responses: The AI application in Quickdraw is guessing what I draw. 
  • What do you think will happen if we get artists to draw these doodles? Possible responses: The AI application may not be able to guess what I’m drawing as I may not draw like these artists do.
15 This slides explain what happens while you are drawing on Quickdraw. The AI identifies what you draw and classify the object. 
16 This slides explain if we get artists to draw these doodles, it may not represent what most people will draw. Hence, the AI application may be biased towards a specific pattern of drawing and may not predict your doodle correctly.

Students will click on the ‘Shadow Art’, another A.I. Experiment. They will need to use your hands to form one of twelve zodiac animals from the lunar cycle in front of your laptop or phone camera.  

Link to Shadow Art: https://shadowart.withgoogle.com/?lang=en-us


Students are prompted to answer questions, ‘Why do we need to calibrate the camera before the start of the game?’ and ‘How does the AI recognize you have constructed the correct shadow?’

  • Why do we need to calibrate the camera before the start of the game? Possible response: So that background object is not shown as part of the shadow formed. 

  • How does the AI recognise you have constructed the correct shadow?Possible response: My hand figure matched the outline and the zodiac animal will be unlocked and it moves on to another zodiac animal.

19 This slides explain why do we need to calibrate the camera before the start of the game. AI learns by recognizing image features. A clear background will help AI to better identify these image features correctly.  
20 This slides explain how AI recognizes if the player has constructed the correct shadow. In general, AI machine requires input (in the form of data), algorithms (a set of instructions/ task you want it to perform) and it gives you an output. Similarly in Shadow Art, the AI application receives the hand figure (input), and match the input data to what it is trained for (algorithms) then provide the output. 


  • The purpose of this activity is to check students’ understanding of the lesson, as well as reflect on their learning.
Slide Activity Details

Students will complete a quiz to check their understanding on this lesson. 

Question bank in doc format has been included in this package to provide teachers with some flexibility in conducting the quiz. 

  • Recommended tools for quic: Kahoot, Quizizz, SeeSaw, Quizlet

Students will share and reflect on their learning experiences. 

  • Guiding question: Write down 1 thing you have learned from today’s lesson. 
  • Recommended tools for reflection / feedback session: Padlet, Nearpod, podcast, blogs or reflective journal.

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