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The Imagery Experience

Software: AI Dungeon
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Lesson Overview 



Activity Objectives

Opening Activity

Learners will compare two sentences and decide which of the two is more descriptive. They will further explore the different types of imagery. 

  • To understand imagery within sentences. 
  • To differentiate between the different types of imagery. 

Main Activity

Learners will write a story, which incorporates imagery by using AI Dungeon as their collaborative partner. 

  • To use imagery to create a story in order to enhance storytelling experiences. 

Closing Activity

Learners will read stories of their fellow classmates, identify the different types of imagery used, and provide constructive feedback. 

  • To reflect on the significance of imagery in literature and creative writing. 
  • To understand how to provide constructive peer feedback. 


Lesson Objectives 

  • Recognize imagery within sentences. 
  • Differentiate between the types of imagery. 
  • Analyze how imagery contributes to the tone of a text. 
  • Use imagery to create a story to enhance storytelling experiences. 
  • Reflect on the significance of imagery in literature and creative writing. 


Lesson Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to: 

  • Identify and highlight instances of imagery in provided sentences and text.
  • Distinguish between visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile imagery, providing examples for each.
  • Employ imagery effectively to craft a narrative that vividly engages readers and elicits sensory and emotional responses, enhancing the storytelling experience.
  • Use Artificial Intelligence to generate prompts and ideate. 
  • Critically reflect on the role of imagery in literature and creative writing, recognizing its power to create depth and connection between writers and readers. 


Prior Knowledge

  • Basic understanding of sentence structures. 
  • Basic knowledge of literary devices (e.g., metaphors, similes, and symbolism) can be helpful but is not mandatory.



Pre-Lesson Preparation 

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a specific approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information. 
  • Prepare for necessary technology/hardware in advance.
  • Devices (tablets/laptops/chromebooks/computers) for each learner. 
  • A stable wifi connection. 
  • Access to AI Dungeon on each device. 


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Introduce your learners to the ground rules. You can check out the Eddy approach if this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson. 

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Ask the learners to find the sentence, which is more descriptive out of the two. Once the learners answer, ask them what makes one sentence more descriptive than the other. 

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Explain the learners the concept of imagery as mentioned in the slide.

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Introduce learners to the different types of imagery by providing an example for each type. 

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Slide 7

Once the learners know about imagery and its types, let them know that they will be writing a story using elements of imagery. However, they will have help from a collaborative story writer, which is AI Dungeon. Explain the rules of the activity as mentioned in the slide.

The learners can also read the pre-written story to gain a better understanding of the activity. 

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Introduce the learners to their roles in the team. If this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson and want more clarity with regard to learner roles, refer to the Eddy Approach.

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Help the learners get started with AI Dungeon. You can use this tutorial to help them understand its features. 

How can I modify this activity for my learners who require more support?
Offer a list of descriptive words and phrases they can incorporate into their story based on their prompts to enhance imagery. For example, provide adjectives like "vibrant," "crimson," "fragrant," or sensory words such as "whispering winds" and "velvety petals."
How can I modify this activity for my advanced learners?
Encourage advanced learners to experiment with more complex literary devices beyond basic imagery, such as metaphors, similes, and symbolism.
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After the learners have written their imagery-enriched stories, instruct them to share one of their stories with a fellow team. Have each team read the story they receive, identify the imagery elements, and provide constructive peer feedback

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Slide 12

Allow the learners to reflect on the activities. You can use the prompts mentioned in the deck. 

Why use peer feedback in your classroom?
Peer feedback cultivates valuable communication skills as students learn to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and constructively. It fosters active learning by encouraging students to analyze and reflect on their work, promoting self-awareness and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, it aligns with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) by developing skills such as empathy, active listening, and collaboration, which are crucial not only in academic settings but also for personal and professional growth in the future.

Using imagery to write a story

Subtitle Here


While the learner was able to understand imagery and its types, they found it difficult to form sentences and stories using imagery. 


The learner was able to understand imagery and its types, and incorporate a few types of imagery within their story. 


The learner was able to understand imagery and its types, and incorporate all types of imagery within their story to create a mental picture within the minds of the readers. 


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