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Journey Through Time

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This lesson will introduce 2nd-grade learners to time! Through Thinglink, learners will act as time travelers and explore different timelines while developing their time-telling skills. Learners can read and write time on analog and digital clocks by engaging in interactive and fun activities.


Lesson Overview

Overview Activity Objectives
Opening Activity Learners will play body clock game, which will introduce the concept of time and reinforce the understanding of numbers from 1 to 12.
  • Recognize and identify the hours on an analog clock.
  • Identify the parts of an analog clock. 
Main Activity Learners will explore different timelines on Thinglink and solve puzzles/challenges related to time.
  • Read and write time on analog and digital clocks.
Closing Activity Learners will apply their understanding of time to create their daily schedule in the form of a timeline.
  • Apply understanding of time and A.M./P.M. concepts to create an accurate daily schedule.


Prior Knowledge

Learners should be able to:

  • Count numbers.


Lesson Objectives

  • Solve different challenges on CoSpaces and, in the process, learn about time.
  • Create a timeline.


Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to: 

  • Identify and label the different parts of an analog clock, and describe their functions in displaying time.
  • Read and write time on an analog clock, and represent it in digital format.
  • Differentiate between A.M. and P.M. and apply this understanding to daily routines and scheduling activities.
  • Utilize their time-telling skills to solve real-life problems and situations, including creating their daily schedules as a timeline.



Pre-lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
    • Access to ThingLink on each device.

