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Journey Through Time (es)

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This lesson will introduce 2nd-grade learners to time! Through Thinglink, learners will act as time travelers and explore different timelines while developing their time-telling skills. Learners can read and write time on analog and digital clocks by engaging in interactive and fun activities.


Lesson Overview




Activity Objectives

Opening Activity

Learners will play body clock game, which will introduce the concept of time and reinforce the understanding of numbers from 1 to 12.

  • Recognize and identify the hours on an analog clock.
  • Identify the parts of an analog clock. 

Main Activity

Learners will explore different timelines on Thinglink and solve puzzles/challenges related to time.

  • Read and write time on analog and digital clocks.

Closing Activity

Learners will apply their understanding of time to create their daily schedule in the form of a timeline.

  • Apply understanding of time and A.M./P.M. concepts to create an accurate daily schedule.

Prior Knowledge:

Learners should:

  • Have a basic understanding of counting and numbers.


Lesson Objectives:

  • Solve different challenges on CoSpaces and, in the process, learn about time.
  • Create a timeline.


Learning Outcomes:

Learners will be able to: 

  • Identify and label the different parts of an analog clock, and describe their functions in displaying time.
  • Read and write time on an analog clock, and represent it in digital format.
  • Differentiate between A.M. and P.M. and apply this understanding to daily routines and scheduling activities.
  • Utilize their time-telling skills to solve real-life problems and situations, including creating their daily schedules as a timeline.



Teaching slides

Tech tutorial


Pre-lesson Prep

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.


  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
    • Access to https://www.thinglink.com/ on each device.






Introduce the ground rules, lesson norms, and team roles to students. You can check out our lesson approach if it’s your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.


Arrange the learner in a circle and assign them a number from 1 to 12.

Tell the learners that the teacher will point the clock hands (either the short or long hand) to a number, and the student with that number must stand up.
For example, if the teacher changes the position of the long hand from 2 to 3. The learner who is assigned the number 3 must stand up.

Explain other rules of the game to them.


Learners not assigned a number can use the clock to point to specific numbers instead of the teacher.

To make the game more inclusive, you can modify the game by allowing students to partner up and have each pair represent a number on the clock. For example, one student can be the short hand, and the other can be the long hand for a specific number on the clock. This will allow more students to participate and engage with the game.



NOTE: Teachers may check out this alternate activity.

How does the body clock game reinforce learning?
The Body Clock Game reinforces learning about time by providing a hands-on and engaging activity for grade 1 learners. Through this game, learners get to practice identifying numbers on a clock face and relating them to the movement of the clock's hands. This helps to build their understanding of how time is measured and represented on a clock. Additionally, the game encourages learners to pay attention to the movement of the clock's hands and to think quickly and react appropriately. This helps to develop their cognitive skills and reinforces their understanding of time in a fun and interactive way.




  • Introduce the slide by explaining to the students that they are about to embark on an exciting journey to explore different periods and learn about how people told time.
  • Encourage students to use their imagination and visualize themselves as time travelers going on an adventure.
  • Ask the students, "How excited are you for this journey?" and give them a few moments to think about their response.


Introduce ThingLink to the students, explaining that it is an online tool that allows users to create interactive images and videos by adding clickable links, text, and multimedia.


  • Introduce the scenario to the learners. 
  • Guide them to scan the QR code or click on the link.
  • They need to solve some puzzles.


  • Direct the students to click on the globe icon to reveal the puzzle.
  • Instruct the students to click on the game icon to get clues to solve the puzzle.
  • Remind the students to click the “i” icon for more information.
  • Explain to the students that they must use the chart to solve the code.
  • Assign different parts of the code to different students in the group.
  • Encourage students to work together to solve the puzzle and to communicate effectively with each other.
  • The secret word is “sundial.”


  • Ask the learners to think about when a sundial cannot be used. 
  • Encourage them to think beyond nighttime and consider other factors that may affect its use, such as cloudy or overcast weather or being in a location where the sun is not visible.


  • As the learners explore the Middle Ages, they will come across various inventions and tools to measure time. 
  • One of these tools is the hourglass, which was commonly used in the Middle Ages to measure short periods of time.


Age of pendulum clocks

  • Explain the scenario to the learners.
    Introduce the activity by explaining that the students will fix a pendulum clock that is not working properly.
  • Show the students the jigsaw puzzle on ThingLink and explain that they must solve it to fix the clock.
  • Encourage students to work collaboratively within their groups to solve the puzzle. The correct answer to the question is “two.”


Basic concepts: Explain the basic concepts related to time to the learners. These include the hands of a clock and how to tell time.


  • Begin by showing your learners a picture of Suzie with a clock in the background, pointing out that she simultaneously appears in two different places.
  • Ask your learners to brainstorm possible explanations for how Suzie can be in two places simultaneously. Encourage them to think creatively and come up with various possible solutions.
  • After your learners have time to brainstorm, lead a discussion to share their ideas.

Here are some possible responses that your learners might come up with

  • Suzie has an identical twin sister who looks exactly like her, and they take turns appearing in different places.
  • Suzie has a magic power allows her to be in two places simultaneously.
  • It's a trick of photography or editing, and Suzie was only in one place the whole time.
  • Allow them to explain their thought processes and reasoning behind their suggestions.


Explain the concept of A.M. and P.M. to the learners.


The learners have returned, are exploring a modern city, and have come across a secret door.

  • Explain that the students must use their knowledge of reading analog clocks to crack the code and open the secret door.
  • Provide the link to the Thinglink activity where the students will complete the task.
  • Encourage students to work in small groups and collaborate to solve the code.
What if students face problems navigating the platform?
Peer support: Encourage peer support and collaboration by pairing students who are more familiar with the platform with struggling students. Tech tutorial: You can direct them to the tech tutorial or guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the platform.
How can I adjust this section for my learners who require more support?
Use this tool to help them read and write time. https://helpingwithmath.com/generators/3md1-clock-face-generator01/




  • Introduce the tool that the students will be using to create their timelines. In this case, it is the ReadWriteThink timeline creator.
  • Explain them what a timeline is.


  • Walk the learners through the process of creating their timelines. Start by having them choose a day or week from their own lives to use as the basis for their timeline.
  • Have the students add events to their timeline, such as waking up, going to school, eating lunch, and going to bed. Encourage them to be detailed and include important and routine events.
  • Once the learners have added all of their events to the timeline, have them arrange them in chronological order. This will help them visualize the progression of their day or week.

What to do if the time is not visible in the timeline?
Inside the label option, you can provide a timestamp and a brief description of your activity or task. Don't use the description option.
How can I adjust this section for my advanced learners?
They can create a timeline comparing their daily schedule on weekends vs. weekdays.





Ability to read and write time on analog and digital clocks

The learner can identify the parts of an analog clock (hour hand, minute hand, and numbers) and recognize the clock's hours but struggles with reading and writing time on both analog and digital clocks.

The learner can identify the parts of an analog clock and can read and write time on analog and digital clocks with minor errors.

The learner can easily identify the parts of an analog clock, read and write time on both analog and digital clocks, and apply this knowledge to real-life situations.

Solving puzzles independently on Thinglink

The learner requires significant guidance to solve puzzles on Thinglink and may struggle to navigate the platform.

The learner can solve puzzles on Thinglink with minor guidance and navigate the platform effectively.

The learner can easily solve puzzles independently on Thinglink and can utilize the platform's advanced features.

Creating their timeline.

The learner requires significant guidance to create their timeline and may struggle to represent their daily schedule accurately.

The learner can create their timeline with minor guidance and accurately represent their daily schedule.

The learner can easily create their timeline independently, accurately represent their daily schedule, and incorporate their understanding of time concepts in their timeline.

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