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Parts of the Plants (es)

Software: Google AutoDraw
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Plants are like nature's magicians. They take in sunlight, water, and air and transform them into food and oxygen. But to do this magic, they need some unique parts, just like we have our special body parts. This lesson will take learners on an exciting adventure with AutoDraw, where they will discover the key parts of a plant: the roots, the stem, the leaves, the flowers, and the fruits and see how these parts work together to help the plant grow, make more plants, and provide food.
Get ready to draw and explore as we learn about each part, what it does, and how it makes the plant world so amazing! 

Prior Knowledge:
Learners should have:
●    Basic understanding of plants as living organisms.
●    Awareness of the need for soil, water, and sunlight for plant growth.
●    Some experience using drawing tools.

Lesson Objectives:
Learners will:
●    Identify plant parts: roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits.
●    Describe the functions of each plant part.
●    Use AutoDraw to create visual representations of plant parts.
●    Cultivate curiosity about the natural world.

Learning Outcomes:
Learners will be able to: 
●    Label and illustrate plant parts accurately.
●    Explain the role of plant parts in plant growth.
●    Create visual representations of plant parts using AutoDraw.
●    Use scientific terminology related to plant anatomy.
●    Develop a deeper understanding of nature, particularly plants.

Lesson Overview

Overview  Activity Objectives 
Opening Activity  Learners will revisit their prior knowledge by familiarizing themselves with the basic parts of a plant and their functions. This will serve as a foundation for the rest of the lesson and ignite their curiosity about plant anatomy. 

●    Familiarize students with the essential parts of a plant and their functions.
●    Spark curiosity about plant anatomy.

Main Activity  Learners will use AutoDraw, a digital drawing tool, to create visual representations of different plant parts. Through this creative process, students will deepen their understanding of the functions of each plant part. The focus will be on the power of visual learning and how it can enhance comprehension.  ●    Use AutoDraw to create visual representations of plant parts.
●    Deepen understanding of the functions of each plant part.
●    Emphasize the power of visual learning.
Closing Activity Learners will present the visual representations they created during the AutoDraw activity. They will explain what they've learned about the various plant parts and their functions. Additionally, learners will reflect on their experiences and insights gained from the activity. The closing activity will encourage peer interaction and meaningful discussions. ●    Learners present their AutoDraw creations and explain what they've learned.
●    Reflect on the experience and insights gained from the activity.
●    Encourage peer interaction and discussions.

●    Teaching slides
●    Tech Tutorial

Pre-lesson Prep
●    Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
●    Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
○    Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
○    A stable wifi connection.

What can I do if I allocate more than three learners per group?
In the event of more than three learners per group, guide learners on ways to be equal, making time within the group to ensure everyone gets their share of hands-on learning. You can also assign the responsibility of monitoring equal making time and an opportunity to voice opinions to one team member.
Why is visual representation of plant parts essential in learning?
Visual aids, like drawings or diagrams, make it easier to remember and understand. They help us see the parts and their functions, turning abstract concepts into tangible knowledge.
Why is hands-on exploration of plant parts valuable for students?
Engaging with real plant parts connects learners to the natural world. It allows them to touch, feel, and see the various parts, making the lesson more memorable and meaningful.

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‎Introduce the ground rules, lesson norms, and team roles to students. You can check out our lesson approach if it’s your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.

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‎Introduce learners to different parts of plants with the help of a fun case study which they can relate to and will get excited to learn about different parts of plants.

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‎Now ask learners to help out Emily and Alex identifying the different parts of the plant.

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‎Introduce learners with different parts of the plants such as Flower, stem, roots, leaf, fruit etc.

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‎Introduce learners with the basic definition of flower “A flower is the colorful and often fragrant part of a plant that is responsible for producing seeds. Flowers come in various shapes, sizes, and colors and are important because they attract insects like bees and butterflies, which help the plant make new seeds. Flowers are not only beautiful but also play a vital role in nature.”

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‎Explain to learners the basic definition and role of a Stem “A stem is the central part of a plant that supports the leaves, flowers, and fruits. It acts like a backbone, holding the plant upright. The stem also helps transport water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant. It plays a crucial role in the plant's structure and growth.”

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‎Introduce learners with the basic definition and function of leaf “A leaf is a flat, thin part of a plant that grows from a branch or stem. Leaves come in many shapes and sizes and are usually green but can also be different colors. One of the most important jobs of a leaf is to capture sunlight, which the plant needs to make food. Leaves are like tiny solar panels for plants, helping them grow and stay healthy."

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‎Introduce learners with the basic definition and function of fruit “A fruit is a part of a plant that usually contains seeds. It's often sweet or tasty and comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors. The main job of a fruit is to protect the seeds and help them spread to new places. When we eat fruits like apples, oranges, or berries, we're not only enjoying a delicious snack but also assisting plants to grow in other areas because animals or the wind can spread the seeds."

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‎Introduce learners with the basic definition and function of roots “Roots are the hidden part of a plant that grows underground. They are like the plant's anchor, holding it in place. The main job of roots is to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Just like we need food and water to grow, plants rely on their roots to get the things they need to stay healthy and strong."

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‎Ask learners if they came across the different kinds of plants around them and help them to differentiate on the basis of bigger leaves, small flowers , roots above the ground and smaller stems.

What if learners are not forthcoming with responses?
Ensure that you maintain a safe space in the classroom for learners to be confident in case of wrong answers. Time and again, declare that it is a judgment-free zone and that every response is valuable. For simple “yes” and “no” responses, encourage learners to use a simple “Thumbs up, thumbs down” response style.
For learners who require more support:
Provide kids with more straightforward resources. This could include colorful diagrams and interactive story templates to help them distinguish between different plant parts. These tools will make it easier for them to understand the roles of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits in the plant world.
For advanced learners:
For inquisitive plant detectives, take the adventure to the next level. Let's encourage them to think critically and use their problem-solving skills. They can create a plant case study based on their real-life observations of plant growth. Furthermore, they can dive into the complexities of the plant world by exploring factors like soil quality, climate, and environmental impacts on plant health. This will turn their plant exploration into a fascinating scientific journey!
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‎Introduce the main activity to the learners by asking them to take up the plant design challenge to help Emily and Alex identify different kinds of plants with their parts.

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‎Now Introduce the learners to the Google AutoDraw which is an AI pattern recognition tool which helps them to build their own plant and label it correctly.

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‎Now, Learners will now start creating their plant on Google AutoDraw. Begin by guiding learners to access AutoDraw and its different tools.

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‎Introduction to AutoDraw
-    Get students to navigate on their devices to
-    https://www.autodraw.com/
-    Guide your students to complete their design challenge.

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‎Play the timer on the screen for learners to be mindful of completing the task on time. 

What if students face problems navigating the platform?
If learners struggle with navigating the platform, offer alternative learning options, such as additional resources(Tech tutorials/video tutorials) or assignments that align with the SimCity project's learning objectives.
What if my learners find using Google AutoDraw challenging?
If some students are finding Google AutoDraw a bit tricky, consider guiding them through the process. You can start with simple plant parts and gradually move to more complex drawings as they become more comfortable. Offering tips on using AutoDraw effectively, such as recognizing shapes, can also be helpful.
For learners who require more support:
To assist students who may need extra guidance, break down the AutoDraw activity into smaller, manageable steps. The educator can share relevant examples, like video tutorials or demonstrations, to illustrate how to use Google AutoDraw effectively in the context of plant exploration.
For advanced learners:
For our advanced botanists, let's take plant exploration to the next level. They can use AutoDraw to delve deeper into the plant world. For instance: ● Plant Diversity: They can explore various types of plants and their unique characteristics. ● Environmental Impact: Learners can investigate the impact of plants on the environment, such as their role in reducing carbon dioxide. ● Adaptations: They can use AutoDraw to illustrate plant adaptations to different ecosystems. ● Botanical Art: Encourage them to create artistic representations of plants with advanced features. This will turn the AutoDraw activity into a comprehensive journey of plant discovery.
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‎Ask the learners to present their creations with their classmates
●    Learners go through the presentation guidelines  and present with support from supplemental questions from the presentation template.
●    At the end of the presentation, allow time for students to provide feedback to each other.

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‎Consolidate learning and invite students to share reflection questions.

How can I encourage young botanists to illustrate sustainability in their plant explorations?
Encourage learners to incorporate sustainability practices in their plant illustrations. They can depict concepts like conserving water, planting trees, or creating wildlife-friendly spaces. This will help them understand how plants play a role in environmental responsibility and balance in nature.
How would the presentation of their plant drawings facilitate reflection and discussion in the classroom?
The presentation of their plant drawings offers a great opportunity for reflection, teamwork, and feedback. It encourages cooperation, attentive listening, and collaborative learning. Additionally, it enhances critical thinking skills by enabling students to analyze, assess, and synthesize their newfound knowledge of plant parts.
How can they gain insights into the interconnectedness of plant parts while exploring with Google AutoDraw?
Encourage learners to use AutoDraw as a tool to explore the relationships between plant parts. For instance: ● Illustrate how the roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. ● Depict how leaves use sunlight for photosynthesis to produce food. ● Show how flowers lead to the development of fruits and seeds. ● Visualize the transport of water and nutrients through the plant's stem. ● This way, they can see how different plant parts work together to help the plant thrive.

Identification of Plant Parts



Struggles to accurately depict and label the basic plant parts (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) using AutoDraw. Mislabeling or omissions are common.


Can create recognizable representations of plant parts using AutoDraw, with some accuracy in labels, but there may be minor inaccuracies.


Accurately represents and labels all basic plant parts using AutoDraw, demonstrating a clear understanding of each part's visual characteristics.

Use of AutoDraw Tools



Struggles to effectively use AutoDraw tools to create and manipulate drawings.


Adequately utilizes AutoDraw tools but may not explore the full range of available options.


Proficiently employs a wide range of AutoDraw tools and features to create visually compelling and technically advanced plant part representations.

Reflection and Presentation



The learner's presentation could be more precise and focused, and they demonstrated a limited understanding of the topic. In addition, they have used few or no relevant examples or evidence to support their ideas.


The learner's presentation is a little unclear and unfocused, and they have demonstrated a limited understanding of the topic. But on the other hand, they have used some examples or evidence that could be more relevant or convincing.


The learner's presentation is clear and focused, and they demonstrated a thorough understanding of the topic. In addition, they have used relevant examples and evidence to support their ideas.


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