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Let's Make a Scribble Bot! (es)

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What is a scribble bot, you may ask? Well, imagine a tiny robot that holds a marker in its grip, controlled by a combination of science, engineering, and a dash of magic. As this robot moves across the canvas, it creates a unique dance of lines, swirls, and patterns, turning the ordinary into extraordinary.

Now, you might be wondering how you can create your very own scribble bot. Fear not, as we're about to unveil the secrets behind this mesmerizing creation. With a few simple materials and a sprinkle of curiosity, you'll be well on your way to constructing your artistic accomplice.

So, are you ready to embark on this creative adventure with your students? Gather your materials, check out our engaging Maker Infographic, let your scribble bot take the lead, and discover the joy of merging science, technology, and art.

Download the full high-res PDF here!

Let your scribble bot become your partner in crime, get ready to engage your students and watch their creativity flourish like never before with our specially curated Scribble Bot's educator guide!

Download the full high-res PDF here!


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