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Moon Magic (es)

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Lesson Overview 



Activity Objectives

Opening Activity Learners will explore why moon appears different on different days and the various phases of the moon.  To understand the factors that contribute to the moon's changing appearance. 
Main Activity Learners will train a machine to recognize the difference between moon phases by using Teachable Machines and Google Autodraw
  • To introduce learners to the basics of machine learning. 
  • To explore how Artificial Intelligence can be used to simplify everyday tasks. 
Closing Activity Learners will reflect on the capabilities of a machine in detecting image differences. 
  • To recognize the capabilities and limitations of machines. 


Lesson Objectives 

  • Recognize and label the different moon phases.  
  • Explain the reasons behind the occurrence of moon phases. 
  • Train a machine to recognize the different moon phases by using image detection. 
  • Evaluate the capabilities and limitations of machines. 


Lesson Outcomes 

  • Identify the different moon phases. 
  • Understand the principles that govern the occurrence of these moon phases. 
  • Apply Machine Learning prinicples to train a system in recognizing and differentiating between various moon phases. 
  • Evaluate the capabilities and limitations of machine learning in the context of image recognition, fostering analytical thinking in assessing technology's role in scientific understanding.


Prior Knowledge 

  • Familiarity with fundamental astronomical concepts, such as the Earth's rotation, orbit, and the lunar cycle.



Pre-Lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a specific approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information. 
  • Prepare for necessary technology/hardware in advance.
  • Devices (tablets/laptops/chromebooks/computers) for each learner. 
  • A stable wifi connection. 
  • Access to Google Teachable Machines on each device. 
  • Access to Google Autodraw on each device.  


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Introduce the learners to the ground rules. You can check out the Eddy Approach if this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson. 

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Start a discussion by asking this question. The idea is to build curiosity among the learners. 

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Provide an explanation for why the moon appears different on different days. You can use the description mentioned in the deck. 

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Describe each phase of the moon. 

New moon: This phase occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, so the side facing Earth is not illuminated.

Waxing Crescent: As the Moon moves in its orbit, a small part of the sunlit side becomes visible from Earth, creating a crescent shape.

First Quarter: Half of the moon is illuminated and visible from Earth.

Waxing Gibbous: More than half of the moon is visible, but it's not yet a full moon.

Full Moon: The Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, and its entire sunlit side is visible.

Waning Gibbous: Following the full moon, the illuminated portion starts to decrease.

Third Quarter: Half of the moon is again visible, but the other half is in shadow.

Waning Crescent: The illuminated portion decreases until the moon becomes a thin crescent shape again.

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Use the description mentioned in the deck to explain the learners how a lunar eclipse occurs. 



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Let the learners know that they will be training a machine to recognize different phases of the moon. Provide them with this worksheet, which they can use to download images to train the machine. Read out the rules as mentioned in the deck.

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Help them navigate through the interface of Teachable Machine. You can watch this video tutorial to guide the learners on how to do the activity. 

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Introduce the learners to their roles in the team. If this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson and want more clarity with regard to learner roles, refer to the Eddy Approach.

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Now that the learners have trained the machine, they can test it. Read out the instructions provided in the deck. Learners can watch this video to understand how to use Google Autodraw. 

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Once the learners are done with the activity, you can use the reflection prompts mentioned in the deck to guide further discussion. Learners can also be encouraged to discuss the limitations of machine learning and how it is different from how humans learn. 


Differentiating between Moon Phases 



The learner identifies and understands that the moon appears different everyday but finds it difficult to understand the causes of the different appearances. 


The learner identifies that the moon appears different everyday, understands the causes behind the lunar phases, but finds it difficult to differentiate between waxing and waning phases. 


The learner identifies that the moon appears different everyday, understands the causes behind lunar phases, and can differentiate between the waxing and waning phases. 


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