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The Ancient Abodes

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This lesson will introduce learners to ancient civilizations! Doing so can spark interest and encourage kids to ask questions about the world around them. It also promotes necessary thinking skills as they try to understand and make sense of the information they are learning, which helps them to appreciate the present and create a context for current events. Studying ancient civilizations can also develop an appreciation for different cultures and ways of life, which promotes compassion and a greater understanding of diversity, an essential skill for navigating the world.


Lesson Overview

Overview Activity Objectives
Opening Activity Learners will have glimpses of Aztec and Mayan civilization shelter and housing with the help of Google Arts and Culture.
  • Identify different types of houses, cities, and buildings in the Aztec and Mayan Kingdoms.
Main Activity Learners will embark on creating an advertisement for the different types of prehistoric houses.
  • Design and create an advertisement about prehistoric houses.
Closing Activity Learners will present their advertisement, and reflect on the outcomes with their peers.
  • Present their advertisement in the class , and come up with ways to improve it.


Prior Knowledge

Learners should be able to:

  • Understand the concept of the past and how events from the past have shaped the world we live in today.
  • Knowledge of early civilizations like Aztecs and Mayan and may have some understanding of their lifestyles and culture.
  • Basic knowledge of shelter and housing of ancient civilizations, such as houses, apartments, and tents.


Lesson Objectives

Learners will:

  • Identify different types of houses, cities, and buildings in the Aztec and Mayan Kingdoms.
  • Build knowledge about different types of prehistoric houses.
  • Design and create an advertisement about prehistoric houses.
  • Present their advertisement to the class.


Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to: 

  • Become familiar with the different types of houses in the Aztec and Mayan era. 
  • Build knowledge about the Kingdoms of the Aztecs and Mayans.
  • Implement their understanding of the houses/buildings and create an advertisement.
  • Share their advertisement with your classmates.



Pre-lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a specific approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information. 
  • Prepare necessary logistics in advance.
    • Printouts of Students handout - one per team
    • White sheets, black markers and scissors.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
    • Access to Google Arts and Culture on each device.


What can I do if I allocate more than three learners per group?

In the event of more than three learners per group, guide learners on ways to be equal, making time within the group to ensure everyone gets their share of hands-on learning.

You can also assign the responsibility of monitoring equal making time and an opportunity to voice opinions to one team member. 

How does having a virtual trip to Aztec and Mayan civilization lead to durable learning of the prehistoric civilization?

Seeing the ruins, art, and artifacts in context can help students better understand the historical and cultural significance of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations. This type of visual learning can be particularly effective for students who struggle with reading or auditory learning.

What are some real-world applications of Google Arts and Culture?
Educators can use Google Arts and Culture to explore artworks from different periods, cultures, and genres. The platform provides detailed information about each painting, including its historical context, cultural significance, and artistic techniques used. This can be a valuable tool for art history and visual arts classes.




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Introduce the ground rules, lesson norms, and team roles to students. You can check out our lesson approach if it’s your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.

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Ask learners about what the ancient kingdoms of the Aztecs and Mayans looked like. You can take two to three responses to this question. 

Educators can ask the learners about the different types of shelter, housing and structures and cities during Aztec and Mayan civilizations.

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Share the project about the Aztec and Mayan Kingdoms on Google Arts and Culture. Pause at each image and ask learners to explore the cities, houses, and buildings of Aztec and Mayan Kingdoms.

Educators can also ask a few questions while walking learners through the Aztec and Mayan civilization to increase their curiosity and enthusiasm, like, "What are some of the features of early homes that are similar to today's homes?  What are some of the features that are different? 

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Share that learners will  fill their worksheet with the information they have  gathered while exploring Aztec and Mayan Kingdoms.    

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Introduce learners to the activity's central part, where they will create a "House for sale" advertisement for Aztec and Mayan civilizations.

NOTE: As a less logistics-intensive alternative to Virtual trip to Aztec and Mayan civilization, teachers may check out these alternative activities.


What if learners are not forthcoming with responses?
Ensure that you maintain a safe space in the classroom for learners to be confident in case of wrong answers. Time and again, declare that it is a judgment-free zone and that every response is valuable. For simple “yes” and “no” responses, encourage learners to use a simple “Thumbs up, thumbs down” response style.
How will the exploration of the Aztec and Mayan kingdom help learners in the creation of an advertisement?
With the help of Google Arts and Culture, we can take learners on a virtual journey of discovery through the Aztec and Mayan Empires .In this activity, students will learn how to create an advertisement as well as learn interesting facts about the Mayan and Aztec Empires.
For learners who require more support:
Explain prehistoric civilization with the help of posters and geographical maps.
For advanced learners:
Artifacts Investigation: educators can provide advanced learners with photos or replicas of prehistoric artifacts and challenge them to investigate their origins, functions, and cultural significance. Learners can research the artifacts in depth, using online resources or museum exhibits, and present their findings to the class in a detailed report or oral presentation. This activity helps develop research skills, critical thinking, and cultural awareness. Timeline Creation: Advanced learners can create a timeline of prehistoric civilization, mapping out significant events, cultural shifts, and technological advancements. They can research prehistoric periods and visually represent the timeline using infographics, charts, or posters. This activity helps students develop analytical skills and a deep understanding of prehistoric civilization's historical and cultural context.




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Introduce learners to the Maker challenge, where they will create an advertisement for the various prehistoric houses in the Aztec and Mayan civilizations. Explain that with their exploration of the knowledge they gathered. They will now become a house agent and create a "House for sale” advertisement for the prehistoric house.

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Share the steps to accomplish this maker challenge.

Introduce them with the components of a good advertisement they need to follow while creating an advertisement. 

Selection wall of the pre historic house put for the learners to select their prehistoric house they want to put for sale.

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Ask them to state some features which they have witnessed of Aztec and Mayan civilization of houses during the virtual walk. Apart from those stated on the slide, other examples of Aztec and Mayan civilization houses include:

  • Long passages
  • Spacious courtyards
  • Wide patios 
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Ask learners if they can think of a tagline that can help to give a buyer a brief introduction about the house and the experience they will get in that ancient house.

Explain to the learners how to frame a sales tagline. At the start,they will find this word play difficult, but as we show them various examples of how a tagline should look like and what are the steps to frame a tagline:

Here's a step-by-step guide for explaining how to frame a tagline for an advertisement:

  • Start by explaining what a tagline is. A saying is a short and catchy phrase companies use to help people remember their product or service. It's like a little slogan or motto."
  • Next, talk about the importance of a tagline. You can say, "Taglines are important because they help people remember what a company does or their product. When you see or hear a tagline, you'll immediately know what the company is trying to sell."
  • Then, give examples of some famous taglines that the kids might recognize. For example, "Just Do It" for Nike, or "I'm Lovin' It" for McDonald's.
  • After that, explain how to come up with a tagline. You can say, "To create a tagline, consider what makes your product or service special or different. Then, you need to find a short and catchy phrase that sums up that idea."
  • Finally, help the kids choose the best tagline from their ideas. You can say, "Which tagline best describes your product or service? Which one is the most catchy and memorable?" Once you've chosen a tagline, you can use it in your advertising materials to help people remember your product or service.
  • Ask learners to brainstorm and finalize the prehistoric house they want to create an advertisement, its features with a suitable selling tagline.They will fill up the  preparation worksheet with the details of their project.
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Introduction to canva :

  • Get students to navigate on their devices to https://www.canva.com/en_in/ 
  • Guide your students through the process of creating an advertisement on canva
  • If this your first time using canva, please refer to the tech tutorial here.
  • Share tips on how to use canva tools and templates to create an attractive advertisement to the learners.

To demostrate how to use Canva, use this video tutorial.


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Play the timer on the screen for learners to be mindful of completing the task on time.




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The educator asks the learners to present their advertisement and have the class guess which house they advertised.

  • Learners go through the presentation guidelines and present taking help from supplement questions from the presentation template.
  • Towards the end, teams could open the floor for feedback on further refining their advertisement.
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Consolidate learning and ask the learners a series of reflective questions below to help learners reflect on their work:

  • What did you learn about the prehistoric houses of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations?
  • By creating models of Aztec and Mayan houses, learners can learn about the different building materials, designs, and techniques used by these ancient civilizations. 

    They can also learn about the cultural and environmental factors that influenced the architecture of these prehistoric homes. For example, the Aztecs used adobe bricks made of clay and straw, while the Mayans used limestone blocks or adobe bricks.

  • What features did you include in your classified ad to make the house appealing?
  • Location: Highlighting the house's proximity to schools, parks, shopping centers, and other amenities can make it more attractive.
  • Size and Layout: Mentioning any unique features like a fireplace, balcony, or large backyard can catch the attention of potential buyers or renters.
  • Safety and Security: Highlighting features like a gated community, security system, or neighborhood watch program.
  • What lessons can we learn from prehistoric housing design in terms of sustainability?
  •  We can learn several lessons from prehistoric housing design in terms of sustainability. 

    First, The importance of constructing a house with local and natural materials, such as mud, clay, and stone, which are abundant and readily available in the surrounding environment. 

    The importance of designing houses adapting to the local climate and weather conditions. For example, prehistoric homes in arid regions were designed to provide natural cooling and ventilation, while houses in colder areas were designed to retain heat. 

What advice can I give the teams to make their advertisement more illustrative of prehistoric civilization housing and shelter?
Encourage your team to research prehistoric civilizations, including their housing and shelter, thoroughly. This will help them understand the different types of structures and materials used, as well as the cultural and environmental factors that influenced their design.Incorporate visuals such as drawings, illustrations, or even videos that showcase prehistoric civilization housing and shelter. These visuals should be accurate and informative, helping the audience to understand the features and characteristics of prehistoric housing.
How would the presentation of the advertisement facilitate reflection and feedback in the classroom?
The presentation has the added benefit of encouraging cooperation, listening skills, team building, and addressing several cognitive abilities involving analysis, assessment, and synthesis.
How can we use advertising to show others the importance of learning about prehistoric houses?
Advertising is a powerful tool to create awareness and interest in different subjects, including prehistoric houses. Here are some ways to use advertising to show others the importance of learning about prehistoric places: Highlight the historical significance: Emphasize the historical importance of prehistoric houses and the people who built them. This can help viewers understand the importance of preserving and learning about these structures. Highlight the cultural significance: Prehistoric houses can offer valuable insights into the cultures and traditions of past societies. Highlighting this aspect can help viewers appreciate the diversity of human cultures and the importance of preserving them. Showcase the educational value: Prehistoric houses can offer valuable learning opportunities for children and adults alike. Highlighting this aspect can encourage people to visit these sites and learn more about the past. Use social media: Social media platforms can be powerful tools for reaching a wider audience. Create engaging social media posts that showcase the importance of prehistoric houses and encourage people to visit them.





Exploration of the Kingdoms of Aztec and Mayan



The learner can identify housing and shelter of prehistoric civilization but struggles to differentiate with present housing and shelter.


The learner can correctly identify and be able to differentiate with present housing and shelter.


The learner can accurately identify housing and shelter of prehistoric civilization and be able to differentiate with present housing and shelter.

Creating an advertisement



More support from the teacher is required to create an advertisement.



Some support from the teacher is required to create an advertisement.



No support from the teacher is required to create an advertisement. Learners can work independently.


Reflecting and Evaluating



The learner can evaluate and reflect their advertisement but struggles to identify areas for improvement.



The learner can evaluate and reflect their advertisement and identify some areas for improvement.



The learner can accurately evaluate and reflect their advertisement and identify multiple areas for improvement, and propose ways to improve the model.




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