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Unleashing the Power of Personification! (es)

Software: Genially
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In this lesson on personification, learners will explore the art of giving human-like qualities to non-human objects or concepts. They will discover how personification can be used to create engaging and imaginative descriptions, enhancing their creative writing skills. Through hands-on activities and interactive exercises, students will gain a deeper understanding of this literary device and its potential in storytelling.

Lesson Overview



Activity Objectives

Opening Activity

Learners will compare non-personified sentences with personified sentences and comprehend how personified elements are used. 

  • To differentiate personified sentences from non-personified sentences. 
  • To understand that personified elements can be used to write creative descriptions. 

Main Activity

Learners will build a fun and imaginative scene with Genially and use personified elements to describe that scene. 

  • To apply their understanding of personification to describe a scene. 
  • To produce original examples of personification in written and visual forms. 

Closing Activity 

Learners will present their Genially creations and act out the personified elements in their scene.  

  • To establish that personified elements can help engage an audience. 


Lesson Objectives 

  • Identify examples of personification in literary texts. 
  • Explain the purpose and effect of using personification in writing. 
  • Produce original examples of personification in written and visual forms. 


Lesson Outcomes 

At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to 

  • Recognize how inanimate objects are given human-like qualities. 
  • Analyze how personification creates vivid imagery. 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of personification in different contexts. 
  • Craft sentences with personified elements. 
  • Showcase personification in a visual form. 


Prior Knowledge 

Learners must be familiar with 

  • Parts of speech 
  • Basic writing skills 




Pre Lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a specific approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information. 
  • Prepare for necessary technology/hardware in advance.
  • Devices (tablets/laptops/chromebooks/computers) for each learner. 
  • A stable wifi connection. 
  • Access to https://genial.ly/ on each device.






Introduce the learners to the ground rules. You can check out the Eddy Approach if this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson. 



Start by instructing the learners to read the sentences carefully. You can read it out loud yourself as well. 


Ask the learners, “Which sentence is more fun to read and why?” The idea is to help them understand that two sentences with the same meaning can be written differently. 


Explain the concept of personification as mentioned in the slide. Explain how personification is used by writers across the globe to make their texts more engaging. 


Use the example as mentioned in the slide. Ask the learners if they can think of any other ways to describe the image using personification. Provide the learners with more examples of personification if needed. 


Let the learners know that they will be engaging in an activity called ‘Personified Playland’ where they will be creating an imaginative and colorful world with personified elements using Genially. Explain the activity in detail as mentioned in the slide. To make the instructions clearer, display this Genially presentation as a sample.  


Introduce the learners to the rules as mentioned in the deck. To help your learners use Genially in an optimal manner, refer to the tech tutorial


Let the learners know that they are free to choose any template for the activity.  



Encourage the learners to explore the features offered by Genially. Guide the learners on how to use the toolbar and the multiple features that Genially offers.  Refer to the tech tutorial to know more! 



Introduce the learners to their roles in the team. If this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson and want more clarity on the roles, refer to the Eddy Approach


How can I modify this activity for my learners who require more support?
Offer a selection of pre-made elements, such as characters, objects, backgrounds, for learners to use in their scene. This way, they can focus on adding personification elements without the complexity of creating everything from scratch.
How can I modify this activity for my advanced learners?
Instead of simply creating a fun and imaginative scene, challenge your advanced learners to create a fully developed short story or narrative using Genially. They will still use personified elements to describe the scene, but now they must craft a compelling plot and incorporate a range of literary devices, including metaphors, similes, and other figurative language.


Once the learners are done creating their personified playland, give them the opportunity to present their creations in front of the class and they can act as the personified elements they used. Provide them with the details of the activity as mentioned in the slide. 


Allow the learners to reflect on the activity/ You can use the prompts mentioned in the slide. The idea is to encourage them to think of ways in which personification can contribute to their communication and writing skills. 





Identifying Personification Elements 

The learner recognizes basic examples of personification in sentences and is progressing in identifying personified elements. 

The learner correctly identifies most personified elements in sentences and can differentiate personified sentences from non-personified ones.  

The learner demonstrates a thorough understanding of personification, and creates multiple personified descriptions to describe one image/sentence. 

Crafting Imaginative Descriptions using Genially 

The learner is exploring the use of personification in the Genially scene and is working towards creating imaginative and engaging descriptions.

The learner effectively uses personification to create engaging and imaginative descriptions in the Genially scene, showcasing creative expression.


The learner excels in crafting highly imaginative and captivating descriptions using personification in the Genially scene and ensures that the scene sparks imagination within the audience. 


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