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Bowling with Friction

Software: YAHAHA
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In this lesson, learners will unravel the secrets of friction and its impact on their daily activities. Learners will leverage the power of YAHAHA to delve into the factors that influence friction. Through the interactive capabilities of YAHAHA, teachers will conduct virtual experiments, manipulate variables, and observe how different factors like surface roughness impact friction.


Lesson Overview

Overview Activity Objectives
Opening Activity In this hands-on activity, learners will use two notebooks to explore the concept of friction. By overlapping the pages and attempting to separate them, they will experience the resistance caused by friction. This exciting challenge will explore friction and its effects on everyday interactions.
  • Encourage learners to investigate the forces at play and discover the intriguing world of friction.
Main Activity Learners will engage in an interactive YAHAHA simulation to observe and analyze friction. Using the simulation, they will explore how surface roughness affects frictional force.
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by connecting variables and their effects on friction.
Closing Activity Learners will complete a short exit ticket to reflect on their learning about friction. They will answer questions or share their thoughts on the key concepts covered in the lesson. 
  • Assess understanding, identify any areas of confusion, and express reflections on the topic.


Prior Knowledge

Learners should be able to: 

  • Define force in simple words.

Lesson Objectives

  • Understand the concept of friction and its role in everyday life.
  • Analyze the factors affecting friction through Yahaha.

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to: 

  • Explain the concept of friction and its significance in various everyday activities and phenomena. 
  • Identify and investigate how nature of the surfaces in contact and weight impact friction.
  • Explain how friction affects multiple activities, such as walking, driving, and writing



Pre-lesson Preparation

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a certain approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our lesson approach for more information.
  • Prepare necessary technology/hardware in advance
    • Devices (tablets/laptops/Chromebooks/computers) - one per team
    • A stable wifi connection.
  • Install Yahaha on devices (computer/laptop) 




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Introduce the ground rules to the learners. You can check out our lesson approach if it’s your first time conducting an Eddy lesson.

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Divide the learners into pairs and distribute the materials.

Instruct each pair of learners to align the two notebooks so that the pages overlap.

Encourage the learners to press firmly on the notebooks to ensure they are tightly secured.

Explain to the learners that their task is to separate the notebooks without tearing or damaging the pages.

After some time, ask whether or not they were able to separate them.

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Ask the learners to think about and discuss with their partners how much force they believe will be required to separate two phone books.

Show them the video in which attempts are made to separate two interlocked phonebooks.




How does separating notebooks activity reinforce learning?
By physically overlapping and trying to separate the pages of the notebooks, learners directly experience the resistance caused by friction. This tactile engagement helps solidify their understanding of friction as a force that opposes motion. The notebook activity mirrors real-life situations where friction plays a role, such as opening a stuck drawer or sliding on a slippery surface. By experiencing friction in a relatable context, learners can make connections to everyday situations and understand the practical significance of friction.
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Use the question, "So what's this mysterious force holding these books together?" to engage the students' curiosity.

Allow learners time to share their ideas and responses with the whole class.

Possible learners’ responses

  • "There is some stickiness or adhesive force between the pages."
  • "The force holding the books together could be due to the weight of the books pressing the pages against each other."
  • "It might have something to do with the properties of the paper and ink on the pages."
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Introduce friction as the resistance offered by the surfaces in contact when they move past each other. 

Explain what causes friction.

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Introduce YAHAHA as a platform for 3D interaction that brings joy to everyone.

YAHAHA allows users to create and enjoy unique 3D experiences without advanced technical knowledge.

For this activity, we will be using this game available on YAHAHA. For more information on how to play the game, see the tutorial attached. You can also check out the Micro-Learning Unit (MLU) for more information.

To demostrate how to use YAHAHA, use this video tutorial.

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Explain to the learners that they will be using Yahaha to observe factors affecting friction. The game's objective is to enable students to identify the relationship between the nature of the surfaces in contact and the corresponding frictional force.

Explain the game to the students and demonstrate how it works.

  • Invite learners to predict how the different materials used will affect the speed of the boxes.
  • Invite learners to predict what the different materials might be made of.
  • Ask the learners to carefully observe and note their observations regarding the movement and interaction of the boxes with the surface and the pins.
  • Encourage the learners to consider factors such as speed, distance traveled, and the impact on the pins.
  • Guide the learners to complete the worksheet given while observing the gameplay.
  • Encourage the learners to take notes, observe, and discuss their findings with their peers.
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Guide the discussion to highlight the relationship between the nature of the surfaces in contact and the magnitude of friction experienced.

Reinforce the concept that rougher surfaces generate more friction.

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Ask learners to predict if a larger cube will experience more friction rolling down an inclined surface than a smaller cube. (Ans: the larger cube will experience more friction, and roll slower, than a smaller cube.)

Guide learners to understand the impact of weight on the frictional force, i.e., heavier objects exert more frictional force.

Summarize the main findings and ensure students understand the cause-and-effect relationship between (i) nature of the surfaces in contact and (ii) body weight on friction.

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Show the learners images of two identical boxes side by side, but with one of the boxes flipped on its sides.

Ask the learners to observe the images and think about the following question: "In which case will there be more frictional force?"

Explain to the learners that there is a common misconception regarding the relationship between surface area and frictional force.

Present the correct information to the learners: Friction force is independent of the contact area between two surfaces. It depends only on the nature of the surfaces in contact and the object's weight.

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Engage the learners in a discussion by asking them to think of examples where friction is necessary or beneficial in everyday life. 

Next, focus on situations where friction is intentionally reduced or undesirable. Ask students for examples like ice skating, water sliding, or air hockey. 

Explain that, in these cases, reducing friction allows for smooth movement or faster motion.  




Can I modify the lesson to allow for independent student exploration of the YAHAHA game?
At the moment, all registered users of YAHAHA need to be 16 or above. More information is available here: https://yahaha.com/privacy
How does this lesson benefit learners?
This lesson leverages phenomena-based learning - we’re showcasing an example to students and trying to elicit Physics knowledge based on real-world examples they might see.
How to accommodate diverse learners?
For weak learners: Educators may assist them by helping them to complete one row in the worksheet. For advanced learners: Educators may ask what will be the effect of changing the material of the inclined plane.
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Distribute the exit tickets to each learner and explain that it is an opportunity for them to demonstrate what they’ve learned and to reflect on their learning.

Instruct the learner to complete the exit ticket individually, answering the questions provided.

Remind them to take their time, think critically, and provide thoughtful responses based on what they have learned during the lesson.








The learner exhibits a limited or incomplete understanding of concepts related to friction.


The learner displays some understanding but with some gaps in knowledge or misconceptions.



The learner demonstrates a thorough understanding of concepts related to friction.


Observation and Analysis on Yahaha



The learner demonstrates limited ability to observe and analyze observations or draw meaningful conclusions.



The leaner makes some observations but with occasional inaccuracies or gaps in analysis.



The learner carefully observes and analyzes, providing insightful conclusions.




Comments (1)

Peeyusha Sharma
05 Oct 2023
An interesting way to teach a tricky concept like Friction.