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Discovering Language Superpowers with NLP

Software: PictoBlox
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This lesson will introduce the learners to Natural Language Processing (NLP), a branch of artificial intelligence, which focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. NLP involves developing algorithms and models to enable computers to understand, interpret, and process language in a way that is meaningful and useful. The goal of NLP is to bridge the gap between human language and computer understanding. 

Since the idea is to train a computer, learners will be using Pictoblox to train a computer through block coding. 


Lesson Overview  

Overview  Activity Objectives 
Opening Activity Learners will play Semantris - a word association game, which will require them to type words related to specific prompts.  To explore semantic relationships between words, which is a fundamental concept for Natural Language Processing. 
Main Activity Learners will train an artificial intelligence model, using the Natural Language Processing feature on Pictoblox  to provide recommendations for movies based on moods.   To use adjectives and their synonyms to describe moods and relate them to specific movie genres. 
Closing Activity Learners will arrange jumbled words to form meaningful sentences.  To grasp grammatical rules while forming meaningful sentences, and comprehend that NLP algorithms rely on similar rules. 


Prior Knowledge  

Learners should be able to:

  • Understand adjectives adjectives 
  • Form sentences that align with grammatical rules


Lesson Objectives 

  • Recognize the use of Natural Language Processing in everyday lives. 
  • Use adjectives and their synonyms to describe moods/feelings. 
  • Relate adjectives to movie genres. 


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

  • Comprehend Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its components. 
  • Illustrate how Natural Language Processing can be used. 
  • Choose adjectives and their synonyms to describe moods. 
  • Train an artificial intelligence model to use Natural Language Processing. 
  • Test the artificial intelligence model to determine accuracy. 




Pre-Lesson Prep 

  • Like all lessons on Eddy, this lesson follows a specific approach. If this is your first time implementing an Eddy lesson, check out our 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information. 
  • Prepare for necessary technology/hardware in advance.
  • Devices (tablets/laptops/chromebooks/computers) for each learner.
  • A stable wifi connection. 
  • Access to Pictoblox on each device.


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Introduce learners to the ground rules, lesson norms, and team roles. If this is your first time conducting an Eddy lesson, check out 'How to set up an Eddy Classroom' for more information.

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Start the discussion by asking learners whether they have been in a situation where Google auto-completes their search query by providing suggestions. Provide them with an example as shown below. Allow the learners to share personal experiences if they would like to. 

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Engage in a fun activity by asking the learners to predict what Google would suggest for the following: Why is the world _________? Once the learners have responded, type it out on Google and look at the auto-suggestions. Check if any of the auto-suggestions matched with the learners’ responses. 

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Ask the learners how they think Google comes up with these suggestions. 

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Mention that Google is an artificial intelligence tool, which analyzes millions of responses to generate suggestions or makes meaning of the phrases provided by adding related words through Natural Language Processing

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Introduce the concept of Natural Language Processing as mentioned in the deck.

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Explain the concept of Natural Language Processing by drawing comparisons with a mind map. Just like how drawing a mind map is used to organize and represent information in an interconnected manner, NLP uses algorithms and models to analyze and interpret information for a computer. However, encourage the learners to think of ways in which a mind map is different from NLP, such as difference in purpose and output. 

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Let the learners know that they will be playing a game called Semantris Explain to them that it is a word association game, which requires them to follow simple steps, which are shown below. 

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Once they are done playing, ask a few reflection questions (mentioned in the slide).

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After listening to their responses, explain briefly how NLP works by identifying a list of related words. Remind them of how Google generates meaningful automated suggestions by identifying related words. 

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Mention that to identify related words or form meaningful sentences, NLP requires textual data or prompts, such as words, phrases, or incomplete sentences. 


How can I modify this activity for my learners who require more support?
Offer examples of word associations before starting the activity. Show how two words can be related or connected in different ways. This will provide learners with a model to follow and support their understanding.




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Now, introduce the learners to their main mission, which requires them to help Tobi (their virtual friend from Pictoblox). Let them know that they will be using Natural Language Processing (a feature offered by Pictoblox) to help Tobi recommend a few movies based on their moods. 

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Remind the learners of the ground rules. Help them form groups of three and tell them to carefully look at the demo of how to download and use Pictoblox before getting started with the activity. To understand how to download and use Pictoblox for this activity, access the tutorial for Pictoblox. 

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While dividing the learners into groups, assign them the roles of a project manager, resource manager, and a time manager. If this is your first time assigning roles in an Eddy classroom, visit 'How to set up an Eddy classroom' for more details.  

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After providing them the demo for one category of movies (action-packed movies), let the learners know that they would be creating two more categories, which are ‘feel-good’ movies and ‘science-fiction’ movies. They will also identify moods related to these genres and use adjectives to describe their moods. Help them with the activity in case they get confused about how to use  Pictoblox. For activity specific instructions, refer to this tutorialIf the learners are confused about what movies to choose to train Tobi, provide them with the movie list

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Once the learners are done with the activity, encourage them to reflect on their experience by asking the questions as shown in the deck. For the third question, the acceptable answers include Siri, Alexa, or any chatbot. Reiterate how Siri, Alexa, or chatbots use Natural Language Processing by making meanings of sentences and identifying related words. 




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To reiterate that NLP algorithms engage in meaning-making by relying on grammatical rules just like we do, let them know that they will be doing a small activity called Word Weavers, where they will be arranging jumbled words to form meaningful sentences. You can use the Word Weavers Worksheet and provide a copy of the same to each learner. 

How can I modify this activity for my advanced learners?
Provide the learners with a story that is incomplete. Encourage them to use logical thinking to complete the story. This will test their comprehension, vocabulary, and allow them to understand how NLP uses logical reasoning to complete incomplete phrases.





Using Adjectives to Describe Moods 



The learner is able to describe their mood using an adjective, but struggles to find its synonyms. 


The learner is able to describe their mood using an adjective, and is able to find synonyms, but struggles to relate it with movie genres. 


The learner is able to describe their mood using an adjective, is able to find its synonyms, and can relate it to movie genres. 


Applying the Techniques of Natural Language Processing



The learner is able to comprehend how NLP is used on a regular basis, but struggles to apply its techniques, such as relating words, making meaningful sentences.



The learner is able to comprehend how NLP is used on a regular basis and applies its techniques with minor errors. 



The learner is able to comprehend how NLP is used on a regular basis, apply its techniques, and list down other uses and techniques of NLP. 




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