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'Solar, So Good!' Project 2: Let's Make a Solar Lamp!

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This Maker Project is part of a unit plan, “Solar, So Good” designed for the Cambridge-Harvard Summer Academy in 2023. In this unit, students analyse the feasibility of solar power as a form of renewable energy in their communities. Students will explore how solar power works at different scales, and look at examples of how the energy of the Sun has been harnessed to support our daily lives.

This unit consists of four Maker projects, each requiring 8-10 hours of classroom time. They are designed to be carried out in order, but work well as standalone projects as well. The four projects are:

  • Project 1: Building a Solar Oven 
  • Project 2: Building a Solar Lamp (this project)
  • Project 3: Building a Solar Charger
  • Project 4 (Summative Assessment): Designing a Solar Powered Home


Projects in this unit plan align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and adopt a pedagogical framework rooted in the Engineering Design Process (EDP) and project-based learning (PBL). By incorporating these principles, these Maker projects aims to foster innovative thinking and practical problem-solving skills among students.

Download the unit overview and full standards alignment here.

An overview of the five lessons involved in this Maker Project is provided below:

Lesson Learning Objectives

Steps in the Engineering Design Process

Project Details




  • Explore the relationship between current, potential difference, and resistance in an electrical circuit.
  • Investigate how changes in potential difference and resistance affect the current in a circuit


Students read about the amount of energy that is used in a typical American household for lighting purposes. How can solar power be employed to complement residential lighting, while beautifying a house in the process? Students are told they will be designing a solar lamp, which charges during the day and lights up at night, to be used in lieu of mood lighting in a home.

Key criteria: Battery capacity, amount of light emitted, aesthetic sensibility. Key constraint: fixed electrical equipment

2 - 3










  • Explore how solar panels utilize the photoelectric effect to convert light energy into electrical energy.
  • Understand the concept of electrical power.
  •  Learn about the design and development of a solar lamp.
  • Research different types of LED bulbs and solar panels.
  • Plan out what materials to use for their solar lamps.


Students explore how small-scale solar lamps (e.g. garden solar lamps) work, and learn about batteries, the photoelectric effect, and how wires conduct electrical energy. They explore the benefits, constraints and limitations of solar lamps.


Students work in small teams to brainstorm possible solutions, based on the design brief given.


Students develop a decision matrix to evaluate their solutions, and identify a solar lamp solution to prototype. Students estimate how long it will take for their solar batteries to charge, and how long this will power the LED bulb.
4 - 5




  • Design and construct solar lamps using electrical parts and repurposed materials.
  • Simulate and refine their lamp circuits.

  • Assess the performance of their solar lamp prototypes.

  • Identify areas for enhancement.


Students prototype their solar lamp, using given materials and recycled materials which they will bring from their homes.


Students showcase and test their prototypes using light meters and battery capacity meters. Students vote for the most aesthetically pleasing lamp!


Students reflect on their experiences and think of ways to improve their solar lamp.


How does electricity travel in wires?


I can understand the relationship between current, potential difference, and resistance. 



In this lesson, students will explore the relationship between current, potential difference, and resistance in an electrical circuit. Through hands-on activities and demonstrations (simulations), students will investigate how changes in potential difference and resistance affect the current in a circuit.

External Resources:



Copies needed

Slides for day 1

Projectable slides for Day 1 lesson.

0 (all digital)

Letter paper (or cardstock!)

For name tents

1 per student

Day 1 Worksheet

Student worksheet

1 per student


Detailed lesson plan


Teaching Moves

Introduction to Course


Welcome, students, to the second unit of the course. 


  • Introduce the topic of electricity generation in the united states.
  • Electricity generation in the United States heavily depends on fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases. 
  • Approximately 60% of the electricity generated in 2022, which totaled 4.24 trillion kWh, came from these fossil fuel sources.
  • Ask students to reflect on the environmental impact of relying heavily on fossil fuels for electricity generation.
  • Ask students about alternative energy sources that can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels. (solar, geothermal, biomass, wind, nuclear)


  • Start by briefly recapping how students utilized a solar oven in the previous unit to convert solar energy into heat energy.
  • Transition to the topic of harnessing solar energy to generate electrical power. Explain that solar energy can be converted directly into electricity using various technologies and devices.
  • Engage students by asking them about technologies or devices that can harness solar energy and convert it into electrical power. Encourage them to brainstorm and think outside the box.
  • Possible expected response: Solar cells, solar thermal power plants, solar-powered generators.


  • Explain that Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are a promising technology for generating electricity from solar energy. 


  • Engage the students with a thought-provoking question. 
  • Ask them to imagine a world where electricity doesn't exist and discuss which aspect of their lives they would miss the most. 
  • This will stimulate their critical thinking and set the stage for the topic of the lesson.


  • Explain that while we may take electricity for granted, there are millions of people globally who do not have access to this essential resource.



  • Display the slide and debrief the students about the situation in some African countries.

Distribute the Design Brief. Introduce the challenge of designing and implementing sustainable lighting.

Play the video (slide 10) and initiate a class discussion by asking the following guiding questions:

  • What are the health, safety, and environmental risks of using kerosene lamps?
  • How do kerosene lamps contribute to climate change and environmental harm?
  • What are the consequences of relying on kerosene lamps regarding injuries and fatalities?

Note: The video contains some sensitive footage (burn injuries). Viewer discretion is advised.


  • Introduce the concept of solar lamps and explain that they can provide a sustainable and safe alternative to kerosene lamps.
    How does a solar lamp work? (Encourage learners to consider the role of the solar panel, rechargeable battery, and LED lights in the functioning of a solar lamp.)
  • What do you think are the materials needed to create a solar lamp? (Encourage learners to think about the essential components mentioned earlier and consider the role of each material.)
  • How can solar lamps be beneficial in different contexts? (Prompt learners to think about the diverse applications of solar lamps, such as in off-grid communities, rural areas, emergencies, or even in their own homes.)


  • Define design specifications as the specific requirements and characteristics that a solar lamp should meet to fulfill its intended purpose effectively.
  • Emphasize the importance of considering functionality, durability, affordability, charging time, battery capacity, and aesthetics in the design process.



  • Explain and define the following terms to the students:
  • Current: the flow of electric charge, typically carried by electrons.

Ask the students: What makes these electrons move/flow?

  • Potential difference: the "push" or "force" that makes electric charges move. 
  • Resistance: the measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit.


  • Introduce the idea that for electrical circuits, understanding the relationship between the current, potential difference (voltage), and resistance is crucial.
  • These three elements are closely interconnected, and having a clear grasp of their relationship is essential for analyzing and designing electrical systems.


  • Introduce the PhET simulation as a hands-on activity for students to explore the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance interactively.
  • Explain the objective of the simulation, which is to observe how changes in voltage and resistance affect the current flow in a circuit.
  • Instruct the students to go through the instructions in the worksheet.
  • Ask them to record their observations and findings in the worksheet during the simulation. (The worksheet contains guided questions to help the students)

Tip: If there are any issues opening the simulation on Chrome browser, try using Microsoft Edge.


  • Summarize Ohm’s law: the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to its resistance.


  • Explain some practical applications of Ohm’s law in circuit design, electrical safety, and troubleshooting.
  • Circuit Design: Ohm's Law helps determine resistor values, current flow, and voltage drops in electrical circuits.
  • Electrical Safety: Ohm's Law ensures safe operation by calculating current and preventing overheating or damage to components and wiring.
  • Troubleshooting Circuits: Ohm's Law is used to diagnose faults in circuits and identify open circuits, short circuits, and abnormal voltage/current behavior.


  • Consolidate learning by summarising the key concepts( current, voltage, resistance, and Ohm’s law) covered.
  • Ask the students to hand over their worksheets for grading. 



How do solar panels work?


To understand the working principle of solar panels by investigating the application of the photoelectric effect in converting light energy into electrical energy.



Students will explore how solar panels utilize the photoelectric effect to convert light energy into electrical energy. Additionally, they will cover the concept of electrical power.

External Resources:



Copies needed

Slides for Day 2

For presentation


Worksheets for Day 2

Student worksheet

1 per group

Exit ticket

One-minute paper for reflection

1 per student

Key to worksheet for day 2

Detailed lesson plan


Teaching Moves



Briefly recap what students did in the previous lesson. 

Share the overview of the lesson for the day. 


Ask: Can you think of some creative uses of solar panels? Take various responses

This question aims to get the students excited about solar panels.

Some creative responses:

  • Use mini-solar panels in jewelry to promote sustainability.
  • Use of solar-powered drones for quick delivery services.
  • Solar-powered clothes/accessories to charge your mobile phones/smartwatches.
  • To purify water in places with limited access to clean water.


  • Emphasize that the photoelectric effect involves the emission of electrons from a material's surface when exposed to light of sufficient energy or frequency.
  • Highlight that the effect was first explained by Albert Einstein in 1905.


  • Explain that photons are particles of light carrying energy and momentum.
  • Introduce the equation E = hf


  • Introduce the Jigsaw method to students, explaining that it is a cooperative learning strategy where they will work together in expert groups to learn about specific aspects of the photoelectric effect simulation.
  • Assign different topics or aspects of the photoelectric effect simulation to each student within their home group.


  • Explain that students will conduct simulations on the PhET Interactive Simulations website to explore the photoelectric effect.
  • Provide clear instructions on accessing the PhET website and navigating to the specific simulation related to the photoelectric effect.
  • Reorganize the class into expert groups by grouping students with the same topic from different home groups.
  • Guide students on how to set up and adjust the simulation parameters, such as light intensity, frequency, and type of material.
  • In their expert groups, students explore their assigned topic using the simulation, taking notes, and gaining an in-depth understanding.
  • Encourage students to make observations and record data from the simulation in their worksheets. (only for their assigned part)


  • After the expert group discussions, students return to their home groups, where they share their expertise with the rest.
  • In the home groups, each student shares their expertise, facilitates discussion, and provides valuable insights to the rest of the group. (can try running the simulation)
  • Encourage active listening, note-taking, and asking questions within the home groups, allowing students to learn from each other's expertise.
  • Instruct students to complete the remaining parts of the worksheet.


  • Introduce the photon blast question to the students.
  • Explain that they need to complete it individually.

This question helps students apply their understanding of the photoelectric effect to different situations, fostering their ability to connect theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This application of knowledge strengthens their comprehension of the underlying principles and enhances their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

For teacher’s reference:
Age and gender can impact individual reactions to light, analogous to how different metals require specific frequencies to eject electrons in the photoelectric effect. Similarly, individuals may experience varying degrees of energization when exposed to different colored light.


Summarize the photoelectric effect and its relation with the frequency and intensity of light.


Explain the different applications of P.E effect.
Walk the students through the working of solar panels. 


Introduce the concept of electrical power.
Relate power and Ohm’s law.

Explain the meaning of power ratings for different devices.


Ask the students to fill out the exit ticket (one-minute paper) and hand it in.
Brief students on the next day’s plan.



Students will learn about the design and development of a solar charger.  They will also look at different types of solar chargers. Finally, they will plan out what materials to use for their solar chargers.




Copies needed

Slides for Day 3

For presentation


Worksheets for Day 3

Student worksheet

1 per group



                                                      Teaching Moves



Share the overview of the lesson for the day (3). 

Ensure students are seated in their groups of 3-4 per group.


Begin by introducing the different types of solar chargers the foldable and box type.

Some questions that can be asked to students

  • What are the advantages of a foldable solar charger over a box-type charger, and vice versa?
  • In what situations or outdoor activities do you think a foldable solar charger would be more useful? How about a box-type charger?
  • What factors would you consider when choosing between these two types of solar chargers?


Invite students to assign roles to each group member, completing Activity 1.

If needed, explain that role assignment is helpful to ensure that all group members are equally engaged in the project and that responsibilities are divided amongst all group members.


Invite students to complete Activity 2-5 in groups.


  • Begin by providing an overview of Tinkercad, highlighting its purpose as a virtual circuit design tool.
  • Instruct students to access Tinkercad on their computers or devices.
  • Guide them through the basic moves and features of Tinkercad, such as dragging and placing components, adjusting sizes, and duplicating.
  • Encourage students to work individually on Tinkercad, allowing them to navigate the platform at their own pace.

**Note: Students can watch this video if they need more support on Tinkercad.


  • Begin by explaining the purpose of the activity, which is to guide students in designing a 3D model using a step-by-step approach.
  • Introduce the example that will be used to illustrate the design process.
    Step 1: Construct the base
    Step 2: Construct the top
    Step 3: Place the electric components
  • Provide support and guidance as needed, circulating around the classroom to provide individual assistance and feedback.
  • Allocate sufficient time for students to work on their designs, considering the complexity of the example and the skill level of the students.

How to design a foldable one?

  • Guide students through the following steps for creating a foldable casing in Tinkercad:
  • Start with a base shape: Instruct students to create a rectangular or square shape as the base of the casing.
  • Design the foldable sections: Ask students to add additional shapes or panels that will fold or hinge to allow the casing to fold and unfold.
  • Ensure proper alignment: Guide students to make sure the foldable sections align correctly when folded and unfolded.


Brief students on the next day’s plan.

Additionally, teachers could use the numerical worksheet for practice.


How can I create my solar lamp?


Construction of solar lamps using electrical parts and recycled material.



Students will design and construct solar lamps using electrical parts and repurposed materials.  Utilizing the virtual circuit design platform Tinkercad, students will simulate and refine their lamp circuits.

External Resources: NA



Copies needed


Projectable slides for Day 4 lesson.

0 (all digital)

Worksheet for day 4

Student worksheet

1 per group

Mini Breadboard

For prototyping

As reflected in the material list

Jumper wires

For prototyping

As reflected in the material list

Solar panel

For prototyping

As reflected in the material list

Rechargeable battery

For prototyping

As reflected in the material list

LED bulbs (10 mm)

For prototyping

As reflected in the material list

LED bulbs (8mm)

For prototyping

As reflected in the material list

Electric tape

For prototyping

As reflected in the material list


Detailed lesson plan


                                                      Teaching Moves



Briefly recap what students did in the previous lesson. Share the overview of the lesson for the day (4). 

Ensure students are seated in their groups of 3-4 per group.


  • Begin by providing an overview of Tinkercad, highlighting its purpose as a virtual circuit design tool.
  • Instruct students to access Tinkercad on their computers or devices.
  • Guide them through the basic moves and features of Tinkercad, such as dragging and placing components, connecting wires, and adjusting circuit configurations.
  • Encourage students to work individually on Tinkercad, allowing them to navigate the platform at their own pace.

**Note: Students can watch this video if they need more support on Tinkercad.


  • Explain that their task is to recreate and simulate their circuit design using Tinkercad, focusing on the components and connections they have planned in their worksheets.
  • Invite students to complete Activity 1 on their worksheet in groups.
  • Ask students whether they want to make any changes to their previous circuit designs.

 Some changes that students can possibly think of:

  • Using a different method (series or parallel) of connecting the LED bulbs.
  • Using different no. of bulbs.
  • Encourage students to collaborate and share their ideas in groups, discussing the best ways to represent their circuit design in Tinkercad.


Once they have completed Activity 1, they should show their design to the teacher. The teacher to assess the finished design before instructing the group to collect the requisite materials.

Materials should be located in an area near the teachers’ table for teacher’s easy access and oversight. Students should be instructed to take only the materials they need for prototyping to ensure sufficient materials for all groups.

The teacher should be available to answer any students' questions during the prototype creation process. They should also monitor each group's progress and provide guidance or suggestions as needed. The educator should encourage the students to collaborate and share their ideas and insights. 

Students to begin their prototyping after collecting all the required materials.


Brief students on the next day’s plan.



How can I test and improve my solar lamp?


Students aim to enhance their solar lamps' functionality, efficiency, and overall effectiveness.



Students will have the opportunity to delve into different methods and strategies to assess the performance of their solar lamp prototypes and identify areas for enhancement. By actively engaging in this process, students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills while striving to create solar lamps that are efficient, functional, and effective.

External Resources: NA



Copies needed


Projectable slides for Day 5 lesson.

0 (all digital)


Student worksheet

1 per group


Detailed lesson plan


                                                      Teaching Moves

Introduction to Course


Introduce the lesson to students. Share the overview of the lesson for the day. 


  • Introduce the testing phase to the students.
  • Ask students: How might we test the effectiveness of their solar lamps before pushing the design out to mass production? Accept various responses.
  • Break down the difference between quantitative and qualitative indicators used in testing.


Share with students the measures that they will be using to determine the effectiveness of their solar lamps



Brief students on the procedures to test the solar lamp.

Introduce the Peer Evaluation Activity:

  • Explain to the students that they will be participating in a peer evaluation activity where they will pair up with another group.
  • Inform them that the focus of this activity will be testing the brightness of each other's solar lamps.
  • Ask them to complete Activity 1. 

Self-Evaluation Activity:

  • Explain to the students that they will now engage in a self-evaluation activity to assess the durability, affordability, and accessibility of their solar lamps.
  • Ask them to complete Activity 2.



  • Emphasize the importance of critical evaluation and the iterative design process in creating effective solar lamps.
  • Encourage them to record their observations, strengths, and areas for improvement on “Activity 3: Reflections and Improvement”
  • Based on their findings, ask them to start working on improvements.



  • Introduce the “pitch your design” concept to the students.
  • Explain the purpose of the design pitch presentation to students, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and persuasion skills.
  • Allocate a specific time slot for each student/group to present their design pitch.

**Note: In case of time scarcity, select the best 2-3 designs and ask them to pitch their designs.


Summarize the solar lamp maker project. Mention that the next project will also involve using solar energy, but this time we will use solar energy to create a solar charger.


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